Horticulture Quiz 6


Horticulture Quiz 6

1 / 50

Auxins and cytokinins are________?

2 / 50

How many training system are__________?

3 / 50

A series of electron transport coupling factors which transfer along an electro chemical ingredients, yielding ATP, in light is called_________?

4 / 50

Small new plants which grow out from the parent and can be separated as independent plant is called___?

5 / 50

The basal part which provided the root system for anchorage and absorption of moisture and nutrients is called___________?

6 / 50

Mango fruit can best be cooled by means of___________?

7 / 50

Plants with persistent leaves are___________?

8 / 50

A controlled oxidation process by which all organisms ultimately obtain the energy stored in organic compound is known as_________?

9 / 50

Which one of the following is not fruit__________?

10 / 50

Growing of vegetables for the consumption of local market and large center is_________?

11 / 50

Ripening fruits soften due to___________?

12 / 50

A group of plants providing food, fiber and shelter is__?

13 / 50

Several scions with their base ends trimmed as wedges are inserted between the bark and the wood is called_________?

14 / 50

Out door production of vegetables, out of their normal season is known as____?

15 / 50

A woody plant with a climbing growth habit is called___?

16 / 50

which one of the following fruit is perishable____?

17 / 50

Cucumber, Kidney bean, pea and tomato are the example of _____?

18 / 50

A pruning management done to develop a tree framework strong cough to bear large number of fruits without breaking of branches is known as _________?

19 / 50

Removing of certain shoots, cones, spurs from the base of plant is called_________?

20 / 50

Aging process in which all plant parts except seeds die is called_________?

21 / 50

Ginger and turmeric are propagated by____?

22 / 50

The influence of light on flowering in plant is__?

23 / 50

Establishment of new crop naturally or artificially is _________?

24 / 50

Air layering is also known as_________?

25 / 50

Anti-oxidants is used to prevent food from___________?

26 / 50

What type of pollination is observed in cauliflower__________?

27 / 50

The transfer of pollen grains from anthers to the stigma by any pollinating agent is called________?

28 / 50

The dormancy of bulbs, roots and tubers can be prolonged by___?

29 / 50

Reduction in climatic temperature causes reduction in fruit parameters such as__________?

30 / 50

The process that convert glucose to pyruvic acid is__?

31 / 50

Vernalization is a process that________?

32 / 50

Poncirus sweet orange is the hybrid cross of_________?

33 / 50

Cosmos, chrysanthemum, poinsettia are the examples of _________?

34 / 50

Which layout is the most suitable for the uneven lands and sub mountain areas ___?

35 / 50

Which one of the following disease is caused due to lack of fiber in diets_________?

36 / 50

In ripened banana the aroma is due to presence of__?

37 / 50

Crysanthemum is propagated by_______?

38 / 50

Highly specialized plants which reproduced by seeds are called__________?

39 / 50

Which one of the following is non-climacteric fruit__________?

40 / 50

Which disease is caused by nematodes in banana___?

41 / 50

In green vegetables, the limiting amino acid is__?

42 / 50

Anacardiaceous is the family of_________?

43 / 50

How much grams of vegetables and fruits are recommended for a balanced diet per day by WHO__________?

44 / 50

Plant hormones present in the apices of shoots and leaf primordials are __________?

45 / 50

Plant growth regulator found in terminal and lateral buds is___________?

46 / 50

What are the products of fermentation of grapes by yeast________?

47 / 50

In plants when glucose is more than its requirement the surplus is converted into__?

48 / 50

Phoenix dactylifera belongs to the family___________?

49 / 50

Fruits ripen better at a relative humidity of at least____?

50 / 50

Edible part of apple is __________ ?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh