Important Geography Quiz 1


Important Geography Quiz 1

1 / 50

The depletion of ozone layer has been caused mainly by

2 / 50

An upper wind system with very high velocities in the stratosphere is called

3 / 50

Which of the following words explains a narrow strip of land separating two seas and connecting two landmarks?

4 / 50

The important country close to the international date line is

5 / 50

The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit Its speed

6 / 50

At which place on earth there is always day and night of an equal duration?

7 / 50

Spring tide occurs when the

8 / 50

Where is the coldest place in the world situated?

9 / 50

Which country is known as Thunderbolt of Asia?

10 / 50

A ship sailing from Vancouver to Tokyo crosses the International Date Line on Wednesday, the 8th of November What will be the next day?

11 / 50

About 50% of the world ?population is concentrated between the attitudes?of

12 / 50

Flash point term is related with the

13 / 50

When the local time is 12.00 noon and the time at Greenwich Meridian is 8.00 a.m the local longitude is

14 / 50

The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest

15 / 50

The origin of earth dates back to approximately

16 / 50

Trade winds of the northern hemisphere blow from the north-east to south-west due to

17 / 50

What will be the time at a place situated at 70 W when it is 4pm at a place situated at 35E?

18 / 50

Which is the longest day in the Northern?Hemisphere?

19 / 50

A line on map joining places having equal atmosphere pressure is called

20 / 50

Which layer of atmosphere provides ideal conditions for flying aeroplanes?

21 / 50

That the earth is rotating on its axis is established by the fact that

22 / 50

The dates on which day and night are equal are

23 / 50

Which place in the world has the least rainfall?

24 / 50

Through which one of the following countries the equator does not pass?

25 / 50

The local time at a place is 6 a.m. when the G.M.T. is 3 a.m. the longitude of that place is

26 / 50

Equinox refers to

27 / 50

Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?

28 / 50

The tide at its maximum?height is known as

29 / 50

Funnel shaped clouds with violent whiri winds are named as

30 / 50

In which one of the following positions does the earth revolves at a faster rate around the sun?

31 / 50

Blind Dolphine are found in

32 / 50

A line on a map joining places of equal monthly or yearly rainfall is called

33 / 50

If a magnetic needle is freely suspended at the geographic North pole

34 / 50

The time at any point on the earth?s surface calculated when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky is known as

35 / 50

Winter rain in Kashmir is due to

36 / 50

One-hour difference in local time between two places is equivalent to a difference of

37 / 50

South pole was discovered by

38 / 50

Which of the following towns is situated at the highest altitude?

39 / 50

The amount of water vapor?(grams) in a 11 given volume of air (cubic metre) is known as

40 / 50

One of the country through which equator passes is?

41 / 50

Presence of which gas in the outer most layer of the atmosphere does not allow ultraviolet rays of the sunlight to reach Earth?

42 / 50

Upto about 50 km from the surface of earth the atmosphere consists of approximately

43 / 50

In the troposphere the normal lapse rate, i-e the decrease in temperature with height

44 / 50

The international date line is an imaginary line extending from pole to pole along the places on the earth surface and lies along the

45 / 50

Name the instrument used for measuring humidity

46 / 50

The tropical cyclones often follow the direction of movement from

47 / 50

The second largest? continent (in term of area) is

48 / 50

The Sun always rises in the East because

49 / 50

The core of the earth is

50 / 50

The term Ecliptic? is used for the

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