Islamic Study Quiz 16


Islamic Study Quiz 16

1 / 50

Who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

2 / 50

Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and ___________?

3 / 50

What is name of 30th Para of Holy Qur?an?

4 / 50

When was Waqia e Karbala(The Battle of Karbala) Occurred?

5 / 50

What is the name of the Surah that was last revealed on the Quran?

6 / 50

What is name of 26th Para of Holy Qur?an?

7 / 50

Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of_________?

8 / 50

Ohad is located near __________?

9 / 50

_________is standing straight during Rukus?

10 / 50

Surah-e-hamd is another name for ________?

11 / 50

Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadis?

12 / 50

What is name of 24th Para of Holy Qur?an?

13 / 50

Hazrat Imam Shafi died in _______ at Egypt?

14 / 50

How many days Hazrat Muhammad PBUH stayed during Tabook Battle?

15 / 50

Which surah was recited by Holy Prophet at the time of migration?

16 / 50

Which caliph formed a parliament namely Majlis e Aam?

17 / 50

Name the Prophet who was the first man to write?

18 / 50

Ghazwah Widdah was fought in _____ Hijrah year?

19 / 50

In _____ Hijrah year, Ghazwat Salim, Banu Nuzair, Ohad, Hamara-al-Asad and Ghatfan were fought?

20 / 50

Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj?

21 / 50

Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and ____________?

22 / 50

What is name of 25th Para of Holy Qur?an?

23 / 50

Tahleel Literally means Recitation of__________?

24 / 50

In which Hijri Ghazwa e khyber was fought?

25 / 50

What is name of 27th Para of Holy Qur?an?

26 / 50

Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in_________?

27 / 50

The Short period between two Sajda?s is called________?

28 / 50

How many Ahadis does the ?Sahih Bukhari? contain?

29 / 50

To sit straight in Salat is called________?

30 / 50

Ohad is ______ miles from Madina?

31 / 50

What is name of 29th Para of Holy Qur?an?

32 / 50

Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?

33 / 50

What is name of 28th Para of Holy Qur?an?

34 / 50

Hazrat Yahya (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?

35 / 50

When Hazrat Imam Shafi was born in Gaza?

36 / 50

Who Urged Hazrat Adam ( A.S ) to taste Prohibited Tree ?

37 / 50

Which battle is referred to as Yaumul Furqan?

38 / 50

Hazrat Musa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?

39 / 50

Who was the Youngest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

40 / 50

Fatwa kazi khan is the authentic fatwa of which sect?

41 / 50

Hazrat Idrees (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?

42 / 50

Where does jannah (Heaven) lies?

43 / 50

Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle?

44 / 50

Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and __________?

45 / 50

Hazrat Haroon (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?

46 / 50

Hazrat Usman khilafat period was _______?

47 / 50

What is name of 23rd Para of Holy Quran?

48 / 50

Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on the ________ heaven?

49 / 50

Hazrat Umer was Caliph for__________Years?

50 / 50

Serial no of Surah Yasin w.r.t Surahs in Quran is __________?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
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