Islamic Study Quiz 22


Islamic Study Quiz 22

1 / 50

The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is?

2 / 50

Which Prophet of Allah had minimum age?

3 / 50

jihad means____________?

4 / 50

Which Tawaf is Also known as the Farewell Tawaf?

5 / 50

When did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visit Ta?if?

6 / 50

Which Jewish tribe was expelled from Madinah after the Battle of Badr?

7 / 50

The Battle Of Uhad was fought in which hijri ?

8 / 50

At whose request , Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A) entrusted the task of compilation of the holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabit (R.A) ?

9 / 50

Hazart Amina R.A belonged to _________ tribe ?

10 / 50

When did the lady named Zainab poisned Holy Prophet(PBUH) ?

11 / 50

? Atique? is the title of which companion of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ?

12 / 50

The Title given to the pioneers of Islam was___________?

13 / 50

__________ cured the victims of leprosy as a miracle ?

14 / 50

Who was the leader of infidels during the Ghazwa-e-Uhud?

15 / 50

Real name of Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) was___________?

16 / 50

The total number of people Migrated to Abyssinia in 613 AD?

17 / 50

Charter of Medina was issued on 1.A.H and it had _______ Articles ?

18 / 50

?Jalsa? in Namaz is _________?

19 / 50

Who firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book form?

20 / 50

In which battle Hazrat Amar bin Yasar (RA) was martyred?

21 / 50

Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that _________ is also my mother.

22 / 50

To which Prophet did Jews call the son of ALLAH?

23 / 50

__________ was the carpenter ?

24 / 50

?Dua e Qunoot? is recited in_______prayer?

25 / 50

How Many Ayats (verses) are in Surah Al-?ujur?t?

26 / 50

What was the age of Hazart Umer R.A when the embracced islam ?

27 / 50

Sulah Hudaibiya signed for how many years?

28 / 50

When Gazwah Motah was faught ?

29 / 50

How many Sunnah?s are in four obligations of Ablution?

30 / 50

How many times, the word ?Allah?, is repeated in the Holy Quran?

31 / 50

The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by __________ ?

32 / 50

Which Tawaf is known as Welcome Tawaf?

33 / 50

Who was the first lady inspector of Madinah appointed by Hazrat Umar (R.A) ?

34 / 50

Which Sahabi name written in Quran?

35 / 50

The relationship of Hazrat Loot (AS) with Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is___________?

36 / 50

Name the mother of Hazrat Yousaf (???? ??????)?

37 / 50

Name of Surah of Holy Quran which mentions the rights of the parents?

38 / 50

Who was the Prophet which first laid the foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa ?

39 / 50

Which Surah of Holy Quran throws light on the Halal and Haram of sacrificial animals?

40 / 50

Surah al-Dukhan means___________?

41 / 50

Battle of Khyber was fought against ?

42 / 50

In Masjid e Aqsa the word Aqsa means___________?

43 / 50

What is meaning of ? Man O Salwa ? in islam ?

44 / 50

How many manzils are there in Quran?

45 / 50

What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)?

46 / 50

Hazrat zakirya was the contemporary of_________?

47 / 50

Who is the real founder of Abbasid ?

48 / 50

Current Hijri Year is _________?

49 / 50

In the beginning Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) worked as a shepherd for __________?

50 / 50

The last ruler of Ummyad was_________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh