Judiciary And Law Quiz 1
1 / 50
Section 14 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960 empowers__________ with power of making rules?
2 / 50
Section 5, Sub-section 2 provided exception for___________________?
3 / 50
A parole released prisoners should be supplied diet free of charge when admitted indoor patient in________________?
4 / 50
Whoever uses a false instrument fraudulently for weighing shall be pubished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine as provided in________________?
5 / 50
The Judge of Family Court may act under section ___________ Cr.P.C and may make orders for maintenance under that section?
6 / 50
The Court Fees Act, was enacted on_________________?
7 / 50
Whoever commits offence under section 6(2)(f) and (g) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 shall be punishable on conviction with imprisonment of not less than ?
8 / 50
Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984, does not apply to_______________?
9 / 50
Principle of Tazkiya-al-Suhood is applicable to____________________?
10 / 50
Time limitation for appeal against dcree or order of Civil Judge before Court of District Judge is__________________?
11 / 50
Where no period of limitation is provided in limitation Act?s Schedule or s. 48, of C.P.C. than_______________?
12 / 50
The object of Cr.P.C is_______________?
13 / 50
The Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 was promulgated on______________?
14 / 50
Section ______, of Cr.P.C empower provincial Government to transfer cases and appeals?
15 / 50
A makes a contract with B to buy B?s horse if A survives. This contract cannot be enforceed by law ?
16 / 50
Right to Education is described in which article of Constitution of Pakistan 1973?
17 / 50
The superintendence of police throughout a general police area shall vest in the_________________?
18 / 50
When a person is dispossessed from immovable property without his consent he can file suit under section____________, of the Specific Relief Act?
19 / 50
A promises to superintend on behalf of B, a legal manufacture of indigo and an illegal traffic in other articles, B promises to pay A salary of 10,000/- rupees year. The agreement is void the object of A?s promise, and consideration for B?s promise being in part________________?
20 / 50
Time limitation for moving an application under C.P.C by legal representative of deceased plaintiff or defendant for setting aside an order or judgment made or pronounce in his absence is______________?
21 / 50
For execution of Family Court judgment and decree the execution court exercise its powers as_______________?
22 / 50
A conditional order for removal of public unisances can be made by a Magistrate____________?
23 / 50
Asphyxial deaths are of __________ natures?
24 / 50
The punishment of imprisonment granted under section 514, Cr.P.C will be of __________ nature?
25 / 50
Section___________ of the Probation of Offender Orders, 1960 deals with ?
26 / 50
Procedure for execution of decree for document or endorsement of negotiable instrument is provided in_______________?
27 / 50
A wish to prove a dying declaration by A must proves______________?
28 / 50
The statement given by the Judge on the ground of decree or order is called________________?
29 / 50
Section, 18, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with_______________?
30 / 50
Chapter__________, of the Contract Act, deals with consequences of breach of contracts ?
31 / 50
The reply of the plaint filed by the defendant is familiar as____________________?
32 / 50
Chairperson of Islamabad District Public Safety Commission shall be elected by the _________________?
33 / 50
Section 5 of C.P.C deals with application of C.P.C to __________________?
34 / 50
Basic ingredient of Section 497(2), of Cr.P.C to release accused on bail is____________?
35 / 50
Section 19(10) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with_______________?
36 / 50
Order VII, of C.P.C. deals with_______________?
37 / 50
When due to any sufficient reason a Civil Judge is unable to attend his Court who will perform duties at his place?
38 / 50
A person to whom money has been paid or any thing delivered by mistake or under coercion ?
39 / 50
Which documents from the following are exempted from Court fee__________________?
40 / 50
Section___________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with composition and appointment of presiding officers of Anti-Terrorism Court?
41 / 50
A decree, judgment or order can be amended if there is _________________?
42 / 50
The term ?Perjury? means____________________?
43 / 50
In any suit where interpretation of Constitutional law is involved and the question of law is concerned to Federal Government the Court shall served notice to ________________?
44 / 50
Section 22, of the National Accountability Ordinance, deals with________________?
45 / 50
Any person who is or has been managing the affairs of or keeping accounts for the accused or who enjoys or has enjoyed any benefit from the assets is________________?
46 / 50
Section 550, Cr.P.C. empower _________ to seize suspected property?
47 / 50
_________ covers human body?
48 / 50
Imprisonment in default of payment of fine shall not exceed__________________?
49 / 50
Order XLI, R. __________ empowers appellate Court to dismiss appeal without sending notice to Lower Court ?
50 / 50
Where the property is land paying revenue to the Government or land of which the revenue has been assigned or redeemed and the Court considers those concerned will be promoted by the management of the collector the Court may appoint collector as receiver with consent of_______________?
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