Judiciary And Law Quiz 12
1 / 50
An unsound person cannot become____________________?
2 / 50
When freezing of assets is made upon the order of Director General of Narcotic then the report about the freezing assets shall be placed within__________ days before the Special Court?
3 / 50
Section 34, of C.P.C. deals with ____________________?
4 / 50
Section 20, of the Court Fees Act, 1870 empowers _______________ to make rules as to cost of processes?
5 / 50
Whoever takes or entices away any woman with intent that she may have illicit intercourse with any person, or conceals or detains with that intent any woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ?
6 / 50
The challan Form has __________ column?
7 / 50
The Criminal Justice Co-ordination Committee is presided by___________________?
8 / 50
Article __________ of the Police Order, 2002 deals with posting of Additional Inspector General of Police?
9 / 50
A person entitled to the possession of specific movable property may recover the same in the manner prescribed by the?
10 / 50
As provided in section 183, any person who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject and who is of sound mind may employ______________?
11 / 50
The section 2(v) of the nti-Terrorism Act, 1997 defines___________________?
12 / 50
The term ?Parade? means_______________?
13 / 50
Affidavit with application of temporary injunction is __________________ essential ingredient for granting temporary injunction ?
14 / 50
As per-section 25(2) copies of the judgment of Anti-Terrorism Court shall be supplied to the accused and Public Prosecutor___________________?
15 / 50
Order 1, of C.P.C deals with_______________?
16 / 50
Police Order, 2002 contains _____________ chapters?
17 / 50
Modes of additional evidence is provided in_______________?
18 / 50
Public prosecutor means a person conducting prosecution on behalf of the_______________?
19 / 50
For proof of harrabah section____________, of the Offence Against Property Ordinance, will apply?
20 / 50
A confession made before the District Superintendent of Police needs memorandum at foot from____________?
21 / 50
Whoever commits theft liable to hadd for the second time shall be punished with amputation of_________________?
22 / 50
A finds a ring belonging to Z on a table in the house which Z occupies. Here the ring is in Z?s possession, and if A dishonestly removes it A commits____________________?
23 / 50
The accused has _________ to produce witnesses, cross-examinery witnesses either himself or through his counsel before Coroner Court?
24 / 50
Section 164, of Cr.P.C deals with recording of statement before____________?
25 / 50
Time limitation for filing suit for compensation for false imprisonment is _____________________?
26 / 50
The Court may at any stage of a suit has power to inspect any property or thing concerning which any question may arise as provided in__________________?
27 / 50
Article 2, Sub-Article _______, of the Police Order 2002 defined District Police Officer ?
28 / 50
Section_________ of the Contract Act, deals with enforcement of contract contingent on an event happening?
29 / 50
The Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 extends to_____________?
30 / 50
Section 337 A(iv) of P.P.C. deals with punishment of_______________?
31 / 50
Order 56 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with_______________?
32 / 50
Order XLI contains________________ Rules?
33 / 50
There are _________________ essential conditions for proof of theft liable to hadd?
34 / 50
Scope of review power is __________________?
35 / 50
When any document is rejected by Court under O. XIII, Rule 3 of C.P.C. the order of such rejection will be ___________________?
36 / 50
Under section 3, it is provided that Muslim Family laws Ordinance, 1961_________ the other existing laws. If the existing law conflict with The Ordinance?
37 / 50
Section________ of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960 deals with appeal and revision against orders passed under section 4 and 5?
38 / 50
The term ?fact? is defined Article_________ of the Qanun-e-Shahadat ?
39 / 50
If the moveable property of a suit is subject to natural and speedy decay the Court can pass interlocutory order for its sale__________________?
40 / 50
The Judge of Accountability Court is appointed by__________________?
41 / 50
Powers can be delegated by District Judge to any Civil Judge as provided in________ of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962?
42 / 50
For the purpose of the Constitution period of time shall be reckoned according to ___________ calendar?
43 / 50
Section 5(h) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 defines_______________?
44 / 50
The Code of Civil Procedure was enforced on ____________________?
45 / 50
Article 8, of the Police Order, 2002 divides police on functional basis into _________ classes?
46 / 50
In case of suit by Provincial Government of Punjab the titled will be___________________?
47 / 50
Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 1926 consist_______ sections?
48 / 50
According to P.P.C. ?Person? includes any____________________?
49 / 50
Whoever commits offence under section 11-J of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 shall be punishable on conviction with imprisonment for a term not less than__________________?
50 / 50
The power enjoyed by Court to fulfill needs of justice in absence of specific provision of C.P.C are called ________________?
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