Judiciary And Law Quiz 14


Judiciary And Law Quiz 14

1 / 50

Article 25(A) of constitution of 1973 deals with______________?

2 / 50

Section 127, Cr.P.C deals with disperse of unlawful assembly on command of_____________?

3 / 50

Section 26 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 provide that_____________________?

4 / 50

Article_________ to_________ of Qanun-e-Shahadat deals with Estoppel ?

5 / 50

When two or more persons by fighting in a public place disturb the public peace they are said to commit _____________?

6 / 50

Section 58, of The Sale of Goods Act provide right of suit for Specific Performance of Contract on the part of ________________?

7 / 50

________ is the presiding Court of a district ?

8 / 50

Mistakes committed regarding Law by both the parties while making a contract resulted in:

9 / 50

The maggot develop in dead body into __________ days of death?

10 / 50

Under Order 52, after the parolee released has been finally released an intimation to this effect shall be sent by he Parole Officer to the Assistant Dirctor in Form?

11 / 50

Time limitation for making an appeal under Arbitration Act, 1940 is___________________?

12 / 50

Rule 2 of Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 1927 deals with ?

13 / 50

Section 337-R of P.P.C. deals with arsh for organs in_________________?

14 / 50

Indemnity to Federal Government and Provincial Government is provided in section ___________ of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997?

15 / 50

Section 226, to last one of the Contract Act, deals with __________________?

16 / 50

Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 contains _________ sections?

17 / 50

Under section 205, Cr.P.C Magistrate may dispense personal attendance of____________?

18 / 50

Any Public Prosecutor when with the consent of Court withdraw from prosecution of any person in such condition if charge not framed the accused will be_______________?

19 / 50

Section 156-B of Cr.P.C deals with investigation against a women accused of the offence of ____________?

20 / 50

When a party apply for summoning to witness the expanses shall be________________?

21 / 50

Under Order 46 Clause_____ a register showing the leave earned and taken by parolee shall be kept by the Parole Officer, and the Assistant Director shall keep a record of all leave granted?

22 / 50

The term ?Appeal? means _________________?

23 / 50

In suits for damages facts tender to enable court to determine amount are________________?

24 / 50

The Court Fees Act of 1970 was enforced on________________?

25 / 50

Nothing is an offence which is done by a child of__________________?

26 / 50

What is the limitation period for a mortgagee for foreclosure or sale of immovable property ?

27 / 50

Hanging is a kind of__________________?

28 / 50

The final order for change of investigation shall be passed by head of investigation in the general police area who shall ?

29 / 50

Depytren has classified burns into___________ degrees?

30 / 50

Identification Parade is rule of_______________?

31 / 50

Special court announced death sentence of General Pervaiz musharraf of 17the Dec 2019 under which article?

32 / 50

Where the defendant is about to abscond or leave the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, the Court for it?s own satisfaction may order the defendant_________________?

33 / 50

For application of temporary injunction affidavit is_________________?

34 / 50

As per section 2(c) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 ?Code? means_________________?

35 / 50

Time limitation for filing application by purchaser of immovable property at a sale in execution of a decree for delivery of possession is____________________?

36 / 50

As per first Schedule of the Police Order, 2002 Inspector falls under________________?

37 / 50

In non abilable cases release of accused on bail depends upon discretion of ________________?

38 / 50

Any person or individual being industrial or commercial consumer who does tampering or abets in tampering with any gas meter, regulator, meter index, or gas connection or any other related system or equipments, whether to commit theft of gas or for the purpose of unauthorized distribution or supply of gas shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to ____________________?

39 / 50

A man who contracts another marriage without permission of Arbitration Council on complaint be punishable with imprisonment of ?

40 / 50

Section 50, of the Control of Narcotic Substances At, 1997 deals with________________?

41 / 50

Article________, of the Qanun-e-Shahadat deals with identification Parade ?

42 / 50

As per section 5, of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance an offender of an offence under section 392, P.P.C can________________?

43 / 50

O. XI, Rule 13, of C.P.C. provided submission of ___________________ ?

44 / 50

Section_________ to__________, at the Contract Act, deals with discharge of surety ?

45 / 50

Under Section 13(1) power of specification of area for establishment of Anti-Terrorism Court is enjoyed by________________?

46 / 50

An Anti-Terrorism Court shall consist of a Judge, being a person who_______________?

47 / 50

Time limitation for appeal against any order of criminal Court to Court of Session is_____________?

48 / 50

An advocate can not be bound to disclose any thing which has been done between him and his client except?

49 / 50

National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 contains ____________ sections?

50 / 50

Any person against whom a decree has been passed or an order capable of execution has been made is called_____________?

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