Judiciary And Law Quiz 15
1 / 50
The documents specified under_________ of the Court Fees Act, 1870 are exempted from payment of Court fee?
2 / 50
All persons may be joined as ____________ against whom any right to relief is claimed ?
3 / 50
Section 4 of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, bounds Provincial Government to consult with ________________ for establishment of Juvenile Court?
4 / 50
The term ?Administration? is defined in Article 2 Sub-Article ___________ of the Police Order, 2002?
5 / 50
The Civil Courts heaving_________ Jurisdiction regarding value to suit against the State and its servants in their official capacity?
6 / 50
Time limitation for restoration of review petition due to absence of petitioner is___________________?
7 / 50
The time limitation for filing suit for breach of contract is________________?
8 / 50
The arsh may be made payable in a lump sum or in instalments spread over a period of _____________ from the date of final judgment?
9 / 50
Constitution, of 1962 was made on________________?
10 / 50
As per Article 74, of the Police Order, 2002 there shall be a Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints commission consisting of ___________ members and the Ex-officio Chairperson?
11 / 50
Section 3 of the control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 deals with_____________?
12 / 50
An injury caused by sharp cutting instrument resulting in clean cut wound is called?
13 / 50
A place where child offenders may be detained any given education and training for their mental, moral and psychological development is called___________________?
14 / 50
Section 37, Cr.P.C deals with ________ powers of Magistrate?
15 / 50
The term ?Accomplice? means ?
16 / 50
Whoever causes shajjah-i-damighah to any person, shall be liable to arsh which shall be one-helf of diyat and may also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to_______________?
17 / 50
Section____________ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with arrest?
18 / 50
Section 92, of C.P.C. deals with suits regarding, ?
19 / 50
Section 52, Cr.P.C deals with mode of search of a ________________?
20 / 50
Section 265-F, of Cr.P.C deals with_________________?
21 / 50
Section 60, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with Foreign State request for ____________?
22 / 50
Section ____________ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with withdrawal from prosecution?
23 / 50
Birth of a child during marriage is conclusive proof of________________?
24 / 50
Any harm caused to a person by violence is called_____________?
25 / 50
Any two or more persons claiming or being liable as partners and carrying on business in Pakistan may sue or e sued in the name_________________?
26 / 50
A amputates right ear of Z the half of which was already missing. If A?s right ear is perfect__________________?
27 / 50
As per O, XII, R. 1 any party to a suit may give notice by his pleadings or otherwise in writing that he admits the truth of the whole or any portion of the case of________________?
28 / 50
Where the evidence of a witness is necessary but the person to be examined is out of Pakistan the Court may________________?
29 / 50
Where a third person sue a trust property defendant will be________________ ?
30 / 50
Section 516A, of Cr.P.C deals with _________ of property in pending trial?
31 / 50
Normally __________ is called appellate Court?
32 / 50
A medical witness recorded his statement orally it will called_________________?
33 / 50
The person to whom goods are delivered according Bailment is called ___________________?
34 / 50
Column No. 4 of challan form deals with___________?
35 / 50
Constitution of 1956 prevails for _________,?
36 / 50
A person guilty of harbouring shall be liable to punishment under section__________________?
37 / 50
Articles ________ to__________ of the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with computation of period of limitation?
38 / 50
If any diplomatic agent exercised any commercial activity in Pakistan beyond his official functions he________________?
39 / 50
Section 21-D(4) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with_______________?
40 / 50
An appeal from a judgment decree or final order of High Court shall lie to__________________?
41 / 50
The Government may, on recommendation of __________ appoint one or more expert to assist the Provincial Police Officer, Capital City Police Officer or City Police Officer?
42 / 50
Section 176, Cr.P.C empowers Magistrate to make inquiry with respect of______________?
43 / 50
In suits for maintenance and annuities or other sums payable periodically according to the value of the subject-matter of the suit, such value shall be deemed ten times the amount to be payable_________________?
44 / 50
Constitution of 1962 was abrogated by______________?
45 / 50
Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, was enacted on_________________?
46 / 50
Section 249-A, empowers a Magistrate to _________ accused at any stage?
47 / 50
Register of birth maintained by Municipality is________________?
48 / 50
Section 33, of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 empowers _________ with delegation of powers ?
49 / 50
Section 78 of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with?
50 / 50
Where a Court appoints a receiver the mode of his appointment and his right, powers, duties and liabilities are regulated by ?
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