Judiciary And Law Quiz 21
1 / 50
For transfer of a case from Court in one Province to court in another Province the application shall be made to the_________________?
2 / 50
?Court? as defined in section 2(b) of the Probation of offenders Ordinance, 1960 means ?
3 / 50
Section 25-A(d) deals with conclusion of _________________ reference?
4 / 50
A person shall not be appointed as Deputy Chairman NAB unless he__________________?
5 / 50
The answering party shall answer the interrogatories through affidavit as provided in ________________?
6 / 50
As per Constitution of 1962 age limit for Judge of Supreme Court was______________?
7 / 50
Section 11, of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 empowers _________ to make order for forfeiture?
8 / 50
Section 2, of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance deals with______________?
9 / 50
?Coca derivative? mans_____________?
10 / 50
As per-section 201, of the Contract Act an agency can be terminated by__________________?
11 / 50
Section________ bounds every one to disclose information regarding terrorism?
12 / 50
The conduct money shall be sent toward medical practitioner_____________?
13 / 50
Section 55, of C.P.C. deals with arrest and detention of________________?
14 / 50
When suit has been duly instituted a summon may be issued to________________?
15 / 50
The power of remand of a case enjoyed by appellate Court is ________________ power in nature?
16 / 50
Section 21-EE of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 empowers __________ to call any person for information during investigation ?
17 / 50
The are ___________ main ingredients for application of section 10 ?
18 / 50
During process of investigation police officer records statement of witness under Section ___________________?
19 / 50
Measures to be taken against proscribed organization are dealt by section __________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997?
20 / 50
A residing in (Karachi) beats B in (Dacca) A may sue in_________________?
21 / 50
A intending to deceive B, falsely represents that five hundred munds of indigo are made annually at A?s factory and their by induces B to buy the factory ?
22 / 50
As per section 21-A(5) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 an area may be designated a cardoned area for maximum period of _____________ days which may be extend in writing from time to time?
23 / 50
Section 37, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with ?
24 / 50
As per section__________ of the Juvenile Justice Ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance, shall be in addition to and not in derogation of, any other law for the time being in force?
25 / 50
Whoever commits fornication shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to______________________?
26 / 50
___________ can not be arested during execution of money decree?
27 / 50
Time limitation for filing appeal leave as pauper is_______________?
28 / 50
Dying deposition is more valuable in the eye of law than________________?
29 / 50
Section 124, of the Contract Act, define_________________?
30 / 50
?Minor? means a person who is not____________________?
31 / 50
According section ____________, of C.P.C. the Court after the case has been heard shall pronounce judgment and on such judgment decree shall follow ?
32 / 50
The application moved by defendant for grant of leave from the Court for defence must contains_______________?
33 / 50
Code of Civil Procedure consists ___________ Orders?
34 / 50
?Compound? means_________________?
35 / 50
Order XLIII of C.P.C contains___________________ Rules?
36 / 50
No appeal shall lie from any judgment or order of criminal Court except as provided by________________?
37 / 50
Article_______ of Police Order, 2002 provided that Police Officer at any time liable to be called for duty___________________?
38 / 50
Qualification of Deputy Chairman of NAB are provided in section 7_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999?
39 / 50
The term ?Decree holder? is defined in Section____________, of C.P.C?
40 / 50
The place for sitting of the Court shall be determined by______________?
41 / 50
Pakistan Penal Code has ______________ sections ?
42 / 50
The Government shall appoint the members of the Provincial Police Complaint Authority on the recommendation of the_____________________?
43 / 50
Section ____________ , deals with pubishment of qatl-i-amd ?
44 / 50
Punishment for damiyah as provided in section 337 F(i) P.P.C. is___________________?
45 / 50
Section _______, deals with appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of attached property?
46 / 50
The evidence of the witnesses in attendance to be taken orally in_________________?
47 / 50
?Coca bush? means the plant of any species of the______________?
48 / 50
For restoration of abducted female, the complaint under section 552, Cr.P.C whall be made to the Court of __________/
49 / 50
Issues has ________________ kinds?
50 / 50
The 18th amendment became an Act of parliament when President Asif Ali Zardari put his signature on the bill on_____?
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