Judiciary And Law Quiz 23


Judiciary And Law Quiz 23

1 / 50

The report of police officer needs to be submitted before Magistrate through______________?

2 / 50

O. XXXII contains ____________ Rules ?

3 / 50

Section _________ of the Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 1926 deals with power of Government to release a person confined in prison ?

4 / 50

Order XLI, Rule 5(2), of C.P.C. deals with ________________?

5 / 50

A aims at a deer but misses the target and kill, Z who is standing by. A is guilty of____________________?

6 / 50

The Limitation Act of 1908 dontains ________ Schedule?

7 / 50

Section 5, of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with______________?

8 / 50

Section 25, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with voluntarily return of assets by__________________?

9 / 50

A police-officer may ________ interpose to prevent any injury attempted to be committed in his view to any public property, moveable or immovable or the removal or injury of any public landmark or buoy or other mark used for navigation?

10 / 50

Mortgage by the deposit of title deeds and charges is provided in _________________?

11 / 50

Order _________ of the Executive Orders on Paroles, 1934 bound a Parole Officer to maintain a personal file of each prisoner on parole and employed under his care?

12 / 50

Section 5A of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 defines_________________?

13 / 50

Cases in which qisas for hurt shall not be enforced are provided in section ___________________?

14 / 50

Under Article 44, of the Qanun-e-Shahadat accused persons including an accomplice shall be liable to_______________?

15 / 50

The Constitution of 1962, provided Federation consisting centre and _________________ provinces?

16 / 50

Initially judges have been appointed to Islamabad High Court for a year by_________?

17 / 50

Order V, Rule 20, of C.P.C deals with__________________?

18 / 50

Section (7(v) of the Court Fees Act, deals with______________?

19 / 50

O.XXII, of C.P.C deals with________________?

20 / 50

As per O. XIV, Rule 1, Sub Rule (6), of C.P.C. Court does not requires to frame issues where________________?

21 / 50

Sections_______ to _______ of Cr.P.C deals with summary trial?

22 / 50

The Constitution of Pakistan 2nd Amendment was made on_______________?

23 / 50

Supply of statements and documents to the accused during trial before Magistrate is dealt by ?

24 / 50

The form of insanity which is seen after the mental faculties have developed is called___________?

25 / 50

According to Constitution of 1962, ____________ was the highest Court of the country?

26 / 50

The Judgment needs to be delivered in ______________?

27 / 50

Leading question may be asked__________________?

28 / 50

The District Public Safety Commission and Police Complaints Commission consist_______________?

29 / 50

Section 265 D, deals with _________ at trial before Court of Session?

30 / 50

The term ?Gender? include________________?

31 / 50

Section 33, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with transfer of_______________?

32 / 50

Section 107, P.P.C. provides definition of __________________?

33 / 50

On a day fixed for hearing of appeal if appellant does not appear when the appeal is called_______________?

34 / 50

Section 54, of the Specific Relief Act deals with ?

35 / 50

Section 497(3) deals with________________?

36 / 50

Emergency duties of police with regard to essential services are dealt by Article ______, of the Police Order, 2002?

37 / 50

Order VIII of C.P.C. __________ have__________ Rules?

38 / 50

Total strength of Members of National Assembly according to Constitution of 1962, was________________?

39 / 50

When the Government of Pakistan issued Press and Publication Ordinance (PPO)?

40 / 50

O. XXXIX, Rule 7, of C.P.C Court pass interlocutory order_______________?

41 / 50

Relief can not be granted for agreements which are ?

42 / 50

As per section 5B of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 appropriate Government means______________________?

43 / 50

After recording FIR it is necessary to be read over to _________ by police-officer?

44 / 50

Cases in which hadd shall not be enforced are provided in section _________________?

45 / 50

An appeal to High Court against the order of Special Court shall be heard by a________________?

46 / 50

Whoever within or outside Pakistan participate in, associate or conspire to commit, attempt to commit, aid abet, facilitate incite induce or counsel the commission of offence under section 14 of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 shall be punished under section ?

47 / 50

Evidence of accomplice is not admissible in_________________?

48 / 50

Whoever causes a women with a child some of whose limbs or organs have been formed, to miscarry, if such miscarriage is not caused in good faith for the purpose of saving the life of the women, is said to cause_________________?

49 / 50

O. XXI, of C.P.C. contains _________________ Rules?

50 / 50

Article 218 of the Constitution deals with______________?

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