Judiciary And Law Quiz 26
1 / 50
Under Order 19, of the Executive Orders on Parole, the Superintendent of Jail shall issue to the parole released prisoner__________________?
2 / 50
The term ?Coercion? means__________________?
3 / 50
Section 11, of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with order of________________?
4 / 50
As per section 2, sub section 7 every kind of moveable property other than actionable claim and money is called __________________?
5 / 50
The trunk of human body consist of ______________ part?
6 / 50
Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on ________________?
7 / 50
An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties there to but not at the option of other or others is _______________?
8 / 50
The Court may at any stage of the suit require the personal appearance of the secretary, director or principal officer of the corporation as provided in _______________?
9 / 50
A, causes Z to go within a walled space, and Locks Z in. Z, is thus prevented from proceeding in any direction beyond the circumscribing line of wall. A, wrongfully__________________?
10 / 50
When a police-officer subordinate to the officer incharge of a police station, seize any suspected property shall forthwith report the seize property to___________?
11 / 50
The quota for departmental promotion to the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspector is__________________?
12 / 50
To become plaintiff in any suit it is required the interest of plaintiff must be________________?
13 / 50
Section 105, P.P.C. deals with___________________?
14 / 50
Through __________ Amendment new Article 63A (Disqualification on ground of defection) was added ?
15 / 50
The person making the proposal is called_________________?
16 / 50
An order under section 35-A, is __________________?
17 / 50
Section 55 of Cr.P.C deals with arrest of_____________?
18 / 50
Order XXXIII of C.P.C contains _________________ Rules?
19 / 50
Appellate Court can take further evidence as provided in section _________, Cr.P.C?
20 / 50
A perpetual injunction can only be granted by the decree at the hearing and upon the ?
21 / 50
Section 5, of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 provides punishment for contravention of ________________?
22 / 50
Article ______, of the Police Order, 2002 deals with functions of Islamabad District Public Safety Commission?
23 / 50
Code of Criminal Procedure is ___________________?
24 / 50
Constitution 8th Amendment Act was published in Official Gazette on_________________?
25 / 50
As per Fourth Schedule through a notification on dated ___________ Al-Qaida a declared proscribed?
26 / 50
O. XV, contains __________ Rules?
27 / 50
Chapter_____________ of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with freezing and forfeiture of assets?
28 / 50
A statement given by the patient at the time of death who die of some unlawful acts and stated circumstances of his injuries etc is called_______________?
29 / 50
The term ?Voluntarily? means__________________?
30 / 50
Section 5, clause (e) of the National Accountability Ordinance deals with______________?
31 / 50
Whoever causes a women with child some of whose limbs or organs have not been formed to miscarry, if such miscarriage is not caused in good faith for the purpose of saving life of the women or providing necessary treatment to her is said to cause________________?
32 / 50
As per section 5(p) of the National Accountability Ordinance property means_______________?
33 / 50
As per Order V, Rule 2 the summon shall be accompanied by copy of__________________?
34 / 50
If a question arises as to whether a person before a Juvenile Court is child or adult the question shall resolved by_________________?
35 / 50
Dying declaration has_________________?
36 / 50
Order XLVI, contains ________________ Rules?
37 / 50
Section 15 of the Juvenile Justice System ordinance, empowers _____________ Government to make rules?
38 / 50
Whoever commits theift, having made preparation for causing death, or hurt or restraint, or fear of death, or of hurt, or of restraint, to any person, in order to the committing of such theft, or in order to the effecting of his escape after the committing of such theft, or in order to the retaining of property taken by such theft, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to_________________?
39 / 50
Section 497(5) deals with_____________?
40 / 50
The inner part of human ear is called________________?
41 / 50
Fact Finding Inquiry is defined in Article 2 Sub-Article __________, of the Police Order, 2002?
42 / 50
Punsihment for perjury is _____________________?
43 / 50
Guardian is defined in section ____________ of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000?
44 / 50
Assistant Superintendent of Police shall make and subscribe oath or affirmation before ?
45 / 50
Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 provides right to _______?
46 / 50
Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 consist __________ schedule?
47 / 50
Section _________ stress that evidence shall be taken in presence of accused or, when his personal attendance is dispensed with in the presence of his pleader?
48 / 50
As per Police Order, 2002 ?person? means_________________?
49 / 50
The term ?Cannabis? means_______________?
50 / 50
Rule of plea of alibi is applicable in______________?
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