Judiciary And Law Quiz 27


Judiciary And Law Quiz 27

1 / 50

Section ________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deal with right of review of prescribed organization?

2 / 50

Section 69, Cr.P.C deals with________________?

3 / 50

When Court reject any document under O. XIII, Rule 3 C.P.C. it__________________?

4 / 50

Section 44, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with ?

5 / 50

When as per O. XVI, Rule, Rule 10, of C.P.C. due to non appearance of a witness attached property can be released_________________?

6 / 50

The right of appeal is governed by the law______________?

7 / 50

Child is defined in section 2, clause (c) __________ of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000?

8 / 50

Section ______ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with funding arrangements for terrorism?

9 / 50

An order of acquittal under section 249-A is _____________?

10 / 50

The wound pierces the skin deeper structure and enters into natural cavities of the body are called?

11 / 50

Medico-legal report is______________?

12 / 50

Part __________ of the Constitution of 1956 was granting fundament rights?

13 / 50

In young child spinal cord consist ______________ bones?

14 / 50

Whoever commits an act of terrorism under section 6, whereby he does any thing like to cause death or endangers life, but death or hurt is not caused he shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than________________?

15 / 50

Where at the first hearing of a suit it appears that the parties are not at issue on any question of law or of fact the Court may_________________?

16 / 50

As soon as the parolees are arrived at the concentration Jail, the Superintendent shall send intimation to this effect to the___________________?

17 / 50

The Limitation Act, of 1908 contains_____ sections?

18 / 50

Section 18 (e), of the the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 empowers NAB with________________?

19 / 50

As per Rule 2(d) of the Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Rules, 1927 ?Parole Officer? means ?

20 / 50

The person to whom proposal is made is called________________?

21 / 50

Punishment for corruption and corrupt practices are dealt by section ____________________ of the National Accountability Ordinance?

22 / 50

Section_____, of the Family Courts Act deals with transfer of cases?

23 / 50

Section 10________________?

24 / 50

The President of Pakistan shall appoint __________ members from a list of names recommended by the Islamabad District Selection Panel?

25 / 50

Where an unpaid seller has made part delivery of the goods he may exercise his right ____________?

26 / 50

As per section 15(2) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 _________ may direct that for the trial of a particular case the Court shall sit at such place including the place of occurrence of an offence?

27 / 50

Opinion of expert upon any point of law or fact is _______________?

28 / 50

Offence Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, was promulgated by the President on__________________?

29 / 50

Section______, of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 deals with appeals from Civil Judge?

30 / 50

Chapter V of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with_____________?

31 / 50

A desires a Court to give judgment that B shall be punished for a crime which A says B has committed the burden of proof will be on ?

32 / 50

Arsh and Daman are _____________ punishments in their own rights ?

33 / 50

Section 2, clause___________ of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 defines ?Juvenile Court? ?

34 / 50

As per Article 103, the Government shall establish a Provincial Police Complaints Authority for enquiring into serious complaints against ?

35 / 50

Schedule 1, of Cr.P.C was repealed in______________?

36 / 50

Death of a person due to unnatural causes is called_____________?

37 / 50

Qualification of the Judge of Special Court is provided in section 46 sub-section________________?

38 / 50

Whoever assault or use criminal force to women and stripes her of her clothes and, in that condition exposes her to public view, shall be punished with death or________________?

39 / 50

Order VII, Rule 11 of C.P.C. provides______ ingredients from which deficiency of any occasion can cause rejection of plaint______________________?

40 / 50

Section 337M of P.P.C. deals with hurt___________________?

41 / 50

As per section 19(14) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 a Terrorism Court have all the powers of a_________________?

42 / 50

An order of returning plaint under O. 7, Rule 10, of C.P.C is_________________?

43 / 50

Contingent Contract is defined is section______________ of The Contract Act?

44 / 50

Order XIII, contains __________________ Rules?

45 / 50

Assistant Director shall be generally responsible for the___________ prisoner released?

46 / 50

Where the appeal is not dismissed under Rule 12 of Order XLI, of C.P.C. the appellate Court shall send notice of appeal to___________________?

47 / 50

In any suit where interpretation of Constitutional law is involved and the question of law is concerned to Provincial Government the Court shall served notice to___________________?

48 / 50

The appellate Court in Family appeal shall dispose of the appeal in ___________________?

49 / 50

Section __________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with powers of Anti-Terrorism Court with respect to other offences ?

50 / 50

Control of Narcotics Substances Act was enacted on______________?

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