Judiciary And Law Quiz 29


Judiciary And Law Quiz 29

1 / 50

Suits involving any substantial question as to the interpretation of Constitutional law are dealt by_____________?

2 / 50

In case of Non Muslim accused under the Offence of Zina Ordinance, 1979 the Presiding Officer may be________________?

3 / 50

The sum so paid into Courts shall be tendered to the person summoned_________________?

4 / 50

There is no appeal in __________ cases?

5 / 50

The time between the examination and death is called_____________?

6 / 50

13th amendment in 1973 constitution of Pakistan made in__________?

7 / 50

In a case where parties claiming to be interested in the decision of any question of fact or law for the purpose of obtaining opinion of the Court, the case is__________________?

8 / 50

No review petition can be granted without serving_______________?

9 / 50

If parolee is fined the fine will be paid by_________________?

10 / 50

The outer layer of skin is called_______________?

11 / 50

In the case of a suit against the Federal Government the party defendant shall be_____________?

12 / 50

Section 6 of the Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 1926 empowers_________ with power to revoke licence?

13 / 50

Time limitation for filing an application for re-hearing of an appeal heard ex-parte is_________________?

14 / 50

The Courts Fees Act, of 1870 is_________________?

15 / 50

In summary trial the defendants are summoned in__________________?

16 / 50

The object of formation or enactment of the Court Fees Act, of 1870 is_______________?

17 / 50

Whoever contravenes with section 7, sub-section (1) of The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 shall be punished with simple imprisonment for?

18 / 50

Section 47 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 deals with ?

19 / 50

The Provisions of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 are also_____ upon Pakistani citizens who are not in Pakistan?

20 / 50

The issues once framed can___________________?

21 / 50

?Reciprocal? Contracts means___________________?

22 / 50

A in support of a just claim which B has against Z for one thousand rupees, falsely swear on a trial that he heard Z admits the justice of B?s claim. A has given___________________?

23 / 50

The Specific Relief Act is_________ kind of law?

24 / 50

Protection of Judges, Counsel, Public Prosecutor, witnesses and person concerned with Court is provided by section_________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act?

25 / 50

The term ?Contingent? means ?

26 / 50

Section 10, of the Family Courts Act deals with_________________?

27 / 50

The recruitment in the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police shall be through the______________?

28 / 50

Order XII, of C.P.C. contains ?

29 / 50

Not later than_____ days after settlement of issues the parties shall present in the Court list of witnesses whom they proposed to call as witness or to produce documents___________________?

30 / 50

Section 15, empowers ___________ to pass direction for formation of Benches of Magistrates?

31 / 50

Application under section 12(2) shall be moved to_____________________?

32 / 50

If a Parolee abscond or fails to return to jail on revocation of his license, the Parole Officer will report to the Assistant Director and will lodge a complaint at________________?

33 / 50

Section_____, of C.P.C. deals with filing of suit by aliens ?

34 / 50

In pledge contract bailee is called________________?

35 / 50

Whenever any fine is received from the parolee or his relative________________?

36 / 50

All confession are________ but all ________ are not admissions?

37 / 50

When security for costs may be required from plaintiff_________________?

38 / 50

When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing any thing with a view to obtaining the assent of that other person to such act or abstinence he is said to make a_______________?

39 / 50

The time for payment of maintenance as provided in section 17-A, is___________________?

40 / 50

Freezing includes___________________?

41 / 50

As per Article 85, of the Police Order, 2002 there shall ba a National Public Safety Commission consisting of ___________ members and the ex-officio Chairperson?

42 / 50

In spirit of section 189, of the Contract Act agents authority in an emergency is_________________?

43 / 50

Article __________, of the Police Order, 2002 deals with appointment of chairperson?

44 / 50

Article 181, of the Limitation Act, is__________________?

45 / 50

Urdu is National Language of Pakistan as provided in Article _____________ of the Constitution?

46 / 50

Who becomes the acting President , once the Presidential seat gets vacant in Pakistan?

47 / 50

A holder of Public Office or any other person who commits the offence of corruption and corrupt practices shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend _______ years?

48 / 50

First Information Report is ___________ piece of evidence?

49 / 50

Section_________ of the Contract Act defined sub-agent?

50 / 50

A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable is called________________?

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