Judiciary And Law Quiz 34


Judiciary And Law Quiz 34

1 / 50

According to the Constitution of 1956 __________ was the highest Court of country?

2 / 50

As per section 18 of the Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 if the value of the original suit in which the decree or order was made exceeds five hundred thousands an appeal shall lie to____________?

3 / 50

Where a person entitled to institute a suit or proceeding or make an application for the execution of a decree is, at the time from which the period of the limitation is to be reckoned, he can institute suit, make application or other proceeding after getting rid from ?

4 / 50

As per section 24A ________ shall have the power, at any stage of the (inquiry or) investigation under the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 to direct that the accused, if not already arrested shall be arrested ?

5 / 50

Definition of ?Fornication? is provided in section ___________ of P.P.C?

6 / 50

The Islamic Council shall consist of minimum ____________ members ?

7 / 50

Section 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with calling of_______________?

8 / 50

Whoever fabricates or gives false evidence with intent to procure conviction of capital offence shall be punished with________________?

9 / 50

An injury affected by corrosive acid or corrosive ucalies is called_______________?

10 / 50

Refunding of Court fee paid on memorandum of appeal is dealt by________________?

11 / 50

Medical witness can record his statement under section _________________?

12 / 50

Section 9, of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 deals with______________?

13 / 50

Where conduct money are not adequate the medical practitioner may point it in the Court_________________?

14 / 50

Upon statement recorded by Magistrate under section 164 needs to be given opportunity of cross examination to?

15 / 50

Section 75, Cr.P.C deals with forms of_______________?

16 / 50

Under Order 8, of the Executive Order on Parole, 1934 the Superintendent of Jail shall prepare the rolls of the prisoners to be considered for release under the Act in Form 3.3 and forward it to the Assistant Director together with the statement willingness in form________________?

17 / 50

Order XLV, of C.P.C deals with appeals to_____________________?

18 / 50

Section 37, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 empowers ________ to pass order for freezing of assets of the accused?

19 / 50

The term ?Judgement? is defined in section _________________?

20 / 50

Section 45, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with______________?

21 / 50

A instigate B for commission of an offence, such instigation will be called ____________________?

22 / 50

The Sale of Goods Act, was enacted on ______________?

23 / 50

__________ is essential for recording statement under section 164, Cr.P.C ?

24 / 50

Security for good behaviour is dealt by_____________________?

25 / 50

Under Order, 12 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 the licenses will be signed by________________?

26 / 50

?Public place? includes any________________?

27 / 50

Section 5 of Limitation Act provides__________________?

28 / 50

An Officer appointed by the Government to hold an inquiry of death suspected as unnatural and suspicious in his jurisdiction is called_____________?

29 / 50

Schedule III, Cr.P.C deals with_____________?

30 / 50

Under section 562, Cr.P.C Court has power to release offender on probation of_________________?

31 / 50

The District Police Officer may delegate any of his power and functions conferred on him to_______________?

32 / 50

The colour of bloodstains after 24 hours is______________?

33 / 50

The term ?impotence? means ?

34 / 50

As per the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 child means a person who at the time commission of an offence has not attained the age of _____________ years?

35 / 50

Under section 16-A(c) ___________ may also make an application for transfer of case?

36 / 50

As per section 9, of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, the Probation Officer shall assist the Juvenile Court by making a report on the child?s________________?

37 / 50

Section 15 of the Anti-Terrorism Act,, 1997, deals with___________________?

38 / 50

Inspite of exceeding the limits authirized, if principal accepts the act of agent is known as_________?

39 / 50

Section 5, the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 deals with appointment of_____________?

40 / 50

A witness giving evidence in hudood cases should be_________________?

41 / 50

Section 5(m), of National Accountability Ordinance defines_________________?

42 / 50

Under section 11-EEEE of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 the Government may pass detention order of __________ days?

43 / 50

?Special Court? means_______________?

44 / 50

___________, Schedule of Police Order, 2002 deals with certificate of appointment ?

45 / 50

Section __________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with bail ?

46 / 50

Whoever commits theft shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to_________________?

47 / 50

Section 22, of C.P.C. deals with transfer of cases by__________________?

48 / 50

According to section 4(I) Cr.P.C investigation means a proceeding conducted by________________?

49 / 50

7-Chloro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-iH-5-benzodiazepine-2, 4(3H,5H)-dione is the chemical name of____________?

50 / 50

?Rewaj Act? was introduced for the ex-Fata agencies and Frontier Region of KP in 2017. The theme of the Act was_________?

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