Judiciary And Law Quiz 39


Judiciary And Law Quiz 39

1 / 50

Which Article from the following deals with impeachment of a witness ?

2 / 50

The Cr.P.C divides offences in __________ kinds?

3 / 50

Order V, Rule 10-A, of C.P.C. deals with____________________?

4 / 50

As per section 10, of the Muslim Family laws Ordinance, 1961 where no mode of payment of dower is prescribed in Nikah-nama or marriage contract the entire amount of dower shall be presumed to be ?

5 / 50

Order_____ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with disposal of parolees for whom employment not available?

6 / 50

Under O. XXVI, R. 19, of C.P.C. High Court can issue as commission to__________________?

7 / 50

A on his trial before the Court of Session says that a deposition was improperly taken by B the Magistrate B can not be compelled to answer the question as to this except upon________________?

8 / 50

A voluntarily burn a valuable security belonging to Z intending to cause wrongful loss to Z. A has committed ?

9 / 50

The word bail is derived from old _________ word bailier?

10 / 50

The chemical formula of ecgonine, is_______________?

11 / 50

Tazir is punishment which is not determined or fixed by the legislature but is left to the discretion of _____________________?

12 / 50

A witness who submits affidavit can be ordered by Court for ____________ as provided in O.XIX,R.2,?

13 / 50

Order XXV, contains _______________ Rules?

14 / 50

As per section 14, of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, all Civil Courts in the areas to which this Ordinance extends shall be subordinate to____________?

15 / 50

Which one from the following officers of Army can disperse unlawful assembly_____________?

16 / 50

Order XV III, R. 5, to 12 are not applicable to_________________?

17 / 50

Section 211, P.P.C. deals with __________________?

18 / 50

The proceeding of Juvenile Court shall not be published in any newspaper, magazine or journal without permission of________________?

19 / 50

No review petition can be granted without serving_______________?

20 / 50

Section 9 of The Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with______________?

21 / 50

Jurh has ____________, kinds?

22 / 50

Order XL, of C.P.C deals with_________________?

23 / 50

Section 11, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with______________?

24 / 50

Section 8, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 prohibits ?

25 / 50

Pecuniary Jurisdiction of Civil judge of Class 2nd is limited upto_________________?

26 / 50

Section 11, of the Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with_______________?

27 / 50

Specific performance of a Contract can be sought upon ?

28 / 50

The term ?Review? means________________?

29 / 50

Section 16, of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with oath of_________________?

30 / 50

Under Police Order, 2002 ?District? means_______________?

31 / 50

Whoever contravenes the provision of section 10 of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to_______________?

32 / 50

Section _______, of P.P.C. deals with the offence of trespassing on burial places ?

33 / 50

__________ evidence is more effective than ____________ evidence?

34 / 50

Section 15, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with______________?

35 / 50

Trivial name of Dexamphetamine is_________________?

36 / 50

Section 46 of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with______________?

37 / 50

Section______ to _______ of C.P.C. deals with execution of decree?

38 / 50

O. XVI, of C.P.C. contains ____________ Rules?

39 / 50

Section ____________ deals with punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking at night ?

40 / 50

Order L of C.P.C deals with___________________?

41 / 50

Article 120 empowers __________ to issue licence for regulation of public assemblies and processions?

42 / 50

Section 18, of the Family Court Act 1964 authorized ___________ lady to appear through agent?

43 / 50

If the lice were seen on the dead body it would indicate that death has occurred within__________ days?

44 / 50

Section_____ of The Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with appeal?

45 / 50

The outer part of human ear is called_____________?

46 / 50

The Order of C.P.C. dealing with suits by of against trustees executors and administrators is _________________?

47 / 50

The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance was promulgated on ?

48 / 50

When five or more persons, who are conjointly committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing dacoity, every one of those persons shall be punished with________________?

49 / 50

In declaratory decree Court decide about______________?

50 / 50

National Accountability Ordinance, came into force from_______________?

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