Judiciary And Law Quiz 42


Judiciary And Law Quiz 42

1 / 50

The right to retain the property by a Bailee until the charges due un respect of property are paid is called___________?

2 / 50

In case the plaintiff ckaims exclusion of the period of defends absence from Pakistan or from territory under the administration of the Govt. of Pakistan , under the section of Limitation Act.1908.

3 / 50

O. XXXVI, contains ________________ Rules?

4 / 50

Article_______, of the Qanun-e-Shahadat provided that question not to be asked without reasonable ground?

5 / 50

Section________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with conditional admissibility of confession?

6 / 50

According 1956 Constitution powers and authorities were______________?

7 / 50

The rule of plea of alibi is given is Article __________________?

8 / 50

A violent death where the constricting force on the neck is from outside by some material or hand, the constricting force is not the weight of the body is called________________?

9 / 50

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 was passed or enacted on_____________?

10 / 50

The Prosecutor General Accountability shall not be removed from his office except on the ground of removal of a judge of ___________________?

11 / 50

Section 337 Cr.P.C. deals with_______________?

12 / 50

In cases of cantonment areas_________ is empowered by Muslim Family laws Ordinance to make rules?

13 / 50

Original Jurisdiction of the Court of District Judge is provided in_____________?

14 / 50

Section 4 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960 deals with______________?

15 / 50

As per section 9(1)(a), defendant husband may where no earlier suit for restitution of conjugal rights is pending claim for a decree of restitution of conjugal rights ?

16 / 50

Section _________ of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960 deals with vaiation of conditions of probations?

17 / 50

Any statement recorded by Magistrate under section 164, Cr.P.C may be recorded in presence of_____________?

18 / 50

Law of Evidence was amended and replaced with Qanun-e-Shahadat in order to bring it with_____________?

19 / 50

An agreement enforceable by law is called________________?

20 / 50

A being legally beound to appear before the High Court of (Sindh) in obedience to a subpoena issuing from that Court, intentionally omits to appear. A has committed offence under_________________?

21 / 50

The term ?Qisas? means_________________?

22 / 50

The Court may by general or special order fix the amount to be paid as______________ for the service of receiver?

23 / 50

The term ?abscond? means________________?

24 / 50

In Pakistan Coroner Courts are in practice_______________?

25 / 50

Section ____________, of The Sale of Goods Act deal with seller?s lien ?

26 / 50

As per section 21-H, any confession made by the accused during investigation without being compelled, before a police officer not below the rank of _________ is admissible in evidence against him if the Court so deems fit ?

27 / 50

O. XIII, Rule 6, C.P.C. deals with_________________?

28 / 50

Section 33, of the Court Fees Act, deals with admission in ________________ cases of documents for which proper Court fee has not been paid ?

29 / 50

Investigation against a women accused in offence of zina shall be conducted by____________?

30 / 50

The term ?Common intention? means____________________?

31 / 50

Section 5(1) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 empower an officer of armed forces and civil armed forces with power of _________________?

32 / 50

The Offence of Zina Ordinance, 1979 was promulgated_______________?

33 / 50

Whoever dishonestly receives or retains stolen property shall be punished with _______________?

34 / 50

Section _________ of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with undercover and controlled delivery operation?

35 / 50

A dying deposition recorded by Magistrate in presence of accused needs to be cross-examined by_________________?

36 / 50

A person being Muhsin committed zina with a women to whom he is not and does not subject to be married shall be______________?

37 / 50

Article ______, of the Police Order, 2002 deals with duties of Police?

38 / 50

Psychotropic substances are substance which declared by _________ in official Gazette, as psychotropic substances?

39 / 50

Whoever causes itlaf of a tooth other than a milk tooth shall be liable for_________________?

40 / 50

Posting of Deputy Inspector General, Inspector General, Senior Superintendent of Police, Assistant Superintendent of Police and Deputy Superintendent of Police is dealt by Article __________ of Police Order, 2002?

41 / 50

If a prisoner released on parole falls ill, in ordinary cases he should be sent by the Parole Officer or if the matter seems urgent by the employer, to__________________?

42 / 50

Section 5(l) defines__________________?

43 / 50

The term ?Pleading? means__________________?

44 / 50

Where Court reverses or modifies its former decision on ground of mistake it shall refund the fee as per__________________?

45 / 50

Section__________ of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, deals with procedure of Juvenile Court?

46 / 50

Section 9 clause (b) provides punishment of imprisonment which may extend ____________ years?

47 / 50

The term ?issue? means__________________?

48 / 50

For conditional release the Assistant Director consult with_____________?

49 / 50

As per section 6, of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, the Juvenile Court shall follow_____________?

50 / 50

As per section 74, P.P.C. when any offender is awarded imprisonment for three months the solitary confinement shall not exceed ______________ days in any one month of the whole imprisonment awarded ?

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