Judiciary And Law Quiz 43
1 / 50
An order of acquittal under section 249-A of Cr.P.C is revisionable under section________________?
2 / 50
Artice 1 of COP 1973 describe the name of Pakistan which is_________?
3 / 50
According to Cr.P.C Criminal Courts has ___________ classes?
4 / 50
The Court Fee to be paid on plaint of Family suit is____________________?
5 / 50
As per-section 2(1), a person who buys or agrees to buy goods is called ________________?
6 / 50
Constitution of 1962, was abrogated on________________?
7 / 50
Constitution of 1962 was consisting_______________________?
8 / 50
Section 21-L of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with punishment of___________________?
9 / 50
O. XV, of C.P.C. deals with___________________?
10 / 50
During execution of a decree all question arising between the parties to the suit will be dealt by the _______________________?
11 / 50
The situation in which a person is in apprehension of death due to extreme hunger and thirst is called ____________________?
12 / 50
As per section 5(3), The High Court may with approval of the Government amend the____________ so as to alter, delete or add any entry thereto?
13 / 50
Evasive denial by defendant___________________?
14 / 50
At the time of framing of issues Court seek light from ________________?
15 / 50
O.XXXIX, of C.P.C. deals with__________________?
16 / 50
Whoever causes bodily pain disease or infirmity or injury to any person is said to cause ______________________?
17 / 50
_________ is the last section of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997?
18 / 50
As per section 2 sub-section 8, of the Sales of Goods Act, insolvent means a person_________________?
19 / 50
Security for costs is dealt by_________________?
20 / 50
Islam is declared as a state religion under which article of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973
21 / 50
Free consent is_________ element for contract?
22 / 50
Sections 131 to 140, P.P.C. are related to _____________________?
23 / 50
Any person who knowingly acquires any assets which has been frozen under this Act shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to_____________?
24 / 50
Ehoever causes hurt to extort confession, or to compel restoration of property shall be punished in addition to qisas, arsh or daman as the case may be and imprisonment of __________________?
25 / 50
Any Police Officer who is guilty at any willful breach or neglect at any provision of law or of any rule or regulation or any order which he is bound to observe or obey shall be punished with imprisonment of a term which may extend to ______________?
26 / 50
Every marriage solemnized under the Muslim Law, shall be registered as provided in?
27 / 50
As per section 2(a) of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1960 ?Code? means_________________?
28 / 50
Appellate Court has power to take additional evidence as provided by_________________?
29 / 50
Section________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 empowers Federal Government or a Provincial Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purpose of this Act ?
30 / 50
Section 11-A, of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with___________________?
31 / 50
O. XXII, of C.P.C. deal with __________________?
32 / 50
?Polygamy? means ?
33 / 50
The Chairperson of Islamabad District Public Safety Commission shall be elected for a term of _________ years?
34 / 50
As per Section 337, of P.P.C. Shajjah has ________ kinds?
35 / 50
Constitution of 1973 was amended 7th time on_________________?
36 / 50
__________ of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with search and investigation?
37 / 50
Article 7, Sub-Article (4), deals with recruitment of_________________?
38 / 50
Bond for appearance of person whose summons or warrant has been issued will be taken under _______?
39 / 50
According to Constitution of 1962, President was elected through___________________?
40 / 50
Section __________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with definitions?
41 / 50
Code of Criminal Procedure, is applicable to cases of Offence of Zina Ordinance, 1979 as provided in Section_______________?
42 / 50
Section 31-A of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with__________________?
43 / 50
Section 19B of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with_________________?
44 / 50
Time Limitation for moving application under section 12(2), of C.P.C is_________________?
45 / 50
Dissolution of marriage otherwise than by talaq is provided in section________ of Muslim Family laws Ordinance, 1961?
46 / 50
A proposal may be revoked at any time___________________?
47 / 50
Order_____ to _____ of the Executive Order on Parole, 1934 deals with remissions?
48 / 50
Section 21-D(3) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 deals with_________________?
49 / 50
As per section 32B of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 all appeals against the final judgment and order filed before the High Court will be heard by_______________?
50 / 50
O. XXIV, contains ___________ Rules?
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