Judiciary And Law Quiz 6
1 / 50
__________ Articles were amended by Seventh Amendment Act of the Constitution of 1973 ?
2 / 50
Article 24, of the Police Order, 2002 deals with _________________?
3 / 50
Revision can be made to ________ under section 439, Cr.P.C?
4 / 50
Constitution of 1956 was enforced on_______________?
5 / 50
If any husband fails to maintain his wife adequately the wife may in addition to seeking any other legal remedy available to apply to_________ to determine the matter of maintenance?
6 / 50
Bail is transfer of custody of a person from police to _____________?
7 / 50
All offences under the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 punishable with imprisonment for a term of not more than______ month with or without fine shall be determined by way of summary procedure________________?
8 / 50
Section 491, Cr.P.C deals with_______________?
9 / 50
Any person who ostensibly holds or is in possession or custody of any property of an accused on his behalf for the benefit and enjoyment of the accused is called_________________?
10 / 50
Whoever commits an act of terrorism which falls under section 6(2)(ee) shall be punishable with imprisonment which shall not be less than fourteen years but may extend to imprisonment for life as provided by section ____________ of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997?
11 / 50
Character of person is relevant in________________?
12 / 50
A Family Court is empowered by section_____ if it deems fit to direct that any money to be paid under a decree passed by it in instalments as it deems fit______________?
13 / 50
The section of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 which deals with Joint trial is___________________?
14 / 50
The Code of law which deals with Courts of Civil Judicature is called________________?
15 / 50
The Court Fees for suits for moveable property of no market values is dealt by section______________?
16 / 50
When a Magistrate want to inspect place of occurrence. He shall make notice to_______________?
17 / 50
There are _________ modes of death?
18 / 50
As per Order VI, Rule 18, of C.P.C. A party allowed for amendment can amend the pleading within_________________?
19 / 50
The mode of death in which heart stop functioning first is called____________?
20 / 50
The question is weather A was poisoned by B, regarding this opinion of medical officer will be_________________?
21 / 50
As per O. XXXIX, R. 5 of C.P.C. an injunction directed to corporation is binding upon________________?
22 / 50
Section 48 of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 deals with________________?
23 / 50
Section 279, P.P.C. deals with rash driving or riding ?
24 / 50
The Law of Limitation is not applicable to_____________?
25 / 50
Section 554, Cr.P.C. empowers ___________ to make rules for inspection of record of subordinate Courts?
26 / 50
The injuries caused by blunt instruments which driven through he skin into the deeper structure are called?
27 / 50
Extendable punishment of imprisonment under section 489A, of P.P.C. for counterfeiting of currency notes or bank notes is ____________________?
28 / 50
O. XII, Rule 2, of C.P.C. deals with _________________?
29 / 50
Under section 20, the Special Court issue type of warrants______________?
30 / 50
Any person who is a victim or legal heir of victim and is aggrieved by the order of acquittal passed by an Anti-Terrorism Court, may file an appeal before High Court within___________________?
31 / 50
Section 50, of the Specific Relief Act bars the power of High Court to pass _____________?
32 / 50
As per section 9(1)(b), of the Family Courts Act a defendant wife may in the written statement to a suit for restitution of conjugal rights can make a claim for_________________?
33 / 50
Article ___________ , of the Constitution of 1962, empowered President with power of dissolution of National Assembly ?
34 / 50
Section 26, of the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 deals with____________?
35 / 50
?Guarantee? means_______________?
36 / 50
The section __________________ of Court Fees Act, 1870 deal with Court fees in suits to set aside an attachment ?
37 / 50
Every offence shall be inquired in and tried by a Court with in local limit of whose the offence was _____________?
38 / 50
Where a person challenges the validity of a judgment decree or order on the basis of fraud misrepresentation or want of jurisdiction he shall seeks his remady by making an________________?
39 / 50
The Presiding Officer of the Court who tried case of Non-Muslim accused and the Offence Against Property Ordinance, 1979 may be________________?
40 / 50
The blood vessels which convey blood away from heart called_______________?
41 / 50
When any person required in Court to produce evidence is unable to attend the Court due to his or her illness it is ____________________?
42 / 50
Promise which forms the consideration or part of the consideration for each other is called_______________?
43 / 50
Section___________, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 empower the Control of Narcotic Substances Act to override other laws?
44 / 50
Order________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with supply of parolees and documents by Jail Superintendent to Parole Officer?
45 / 50
Before filing suit as pauper there is required appliction with full prescription of applicant ______________ and _______________ property?
46 / 50
Section ______ of the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with suits against express trustees and their representatives?
47 / 50
Article 27, of Police Order, 2002 deals with general powers of_______________?
48 / 50
National Accountability Ordinance, ws promulgated in________________?
49 / 50
Section______ empowers the Court established under National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 to follow any procedure as it may deem fit in the circumstances of the case ?
50 / 50
Section __________ of P.P.C. prohibits marriage with Holy Quran ?
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