Mass Transfer Quiz 12


Mass Transfer Quiz 12

1 / 50

Weeping in a distillation column_______?

2 / 50

The term ?cooling range? in a cooling tower refers to the difference in the temperature of______?

3 / 50

The vapour pressure exerted by the moisture contained in a wet solid depends upon the______?

4 / 50

The solvent used in liquid-liquid extraction should have ________ less than one?

5 / 50

When the liquid over a plate is of uniform concentration, then ________?

6 / 50

To increase the absorption factor, (where, G = gas flow rate, S = solvent flow rate) ______?

7 / 50

Water entrained by circulating air in cooling towers is termed as_________?

8 / 50

The-relative volatility for separation of a non-ideal binary mixture by distillation should be _____?

9 / 50

When an unsaturated air-water mixture is heated at constant pressure, then ______ ?

10 / 50

The value of Lewis number (Le = Sc/Pr) for air-water vapour system is around__________?

11 / 50

The wet and ?dry bulb temperature for a vapour-gas mixture are 25?C and 30?C respectively. If the mixture is heated to 45?C at constant pressure, the wet bulb temperature will be _______ ?C?

12 / 50

The value of NA/(NA + NB), for steady state equimolal counter diffusion of two gases ?A? and ?B? is_____?

13 / 50

Water-ethyl alcohol solution can be concentrated (in respect of alcohol concentration) by _________ distillation?

14 / 50

Use of raschig rings in place of crushed stones as packing in packed beds (other things being same) ?

15 / 50

When acetone is added in a two layer mixture of methyl isobutyl ketone and water at 30?C, the acetone distributes between the two layers and the composition of the layer follows two solubility curves. For this system ?

16 / 50

Use of packed towers for distillation is generally limited to the______?

17 / 50

When the solvent dissolves very little of solute, then_____?

18 / 50

What is the reflux ratio at total reflux ?

19 / 50

When adsorption hysteresis is observed, the desorption equilibrium pressure is __________ that obtained by adsorption?

20 / 50

Wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures becomes identical at ________ percent saturation curve?

21 / 50

To get high tray efficiency_____?

22 / 50

Tray spacing in a distillation column of dia 10-12 ft. used in petroleum refinery may be around ______ inches?

23 / 50

What is the degree of freedom of an absorption process in which only one component is transferred between phases ?

24 / 50

When the feed to a distillation column is a saturated liquid, slope of the feed line is_______?

25 / 50

Use of packed towers for distillation is generally limited to the___________?

26 / 50

To get high tray efficiency_____?

27 / 50

Water entrained by circulating air in cooling towers is termed as______?

28 / 50

Wetted wall tower experiment determines the___________?

29 / 50

When the temperature and humidity of air is low, we usually use ________ draft cooling tower?

30 / 50

Use of natural draft cooling tower is practised, when the air has low ?

31 / 50

The value of ?L/mG? ratio for economical absorption operation ranges from _______?

32 / 50

Weight of 1 m3 of humid air as compared to 1 m3 of dry air, under the same conditions, is__________?

33 / 50

The term ?approach? in a cooling tower refers to the difference in the temperature of the______?

34 / 50

Though, theoretically the adsorption & desorption isotherms is expected to coincide but sometimes at least a part of the isotherms does not coincide and this phenomenon is known as adsorption hysteresis. In such cases, the desorption equilibrium pressure is _______ that obtained for adsorption?

35 / 50

When the mixture to be distilled has a very high boiling point and the product material is heat sensitive, the separation technique to be used is ________ distillation?

36 / 50

The velocity, concentration and temperature boundary, for the boundary layer development on a flat plate during connective mass transfer will be same, if_____?

37 / 50

To remove all the moisture from a wet solid it requires exposure to ______ air?

38 / 50

When the ______ the relative humidity of air decreases, despite an increase in the absolute humidity?

39 / 50

Very tall packed towers are divided into series of beds to_____?

40 / 50

When both the fluids flow concurrently in an absorber, the slope of the operating line is______?

41 / 50

Unit of molal diffusivity is______?

42 / 50

The wet and ?dry bulb temperature for a vapour-gas mixture are 25?C and 30?C respectively. If the mixture is heated to 45?C at constant pressure, the wet bulb temperature will be _______ ?C ?

43 / 50

Under conditions of flooding in packed tower, the gas pressure drop_____?

44 / 50

Tower diameter may be decreased by___________?

45 / 50

The suitable evaporator for concentration of foaming liquids is a ________ evaporator?

46 / 50

Total reflux in a distillation operation requires minimum______?

47 / 50

The value of NA/(NA + NB) for steady state molecular diffusion of gas ?A? through nondiffusing gas ?B? is______?

48 / 50

The temperature to which a vapour gas mixture must be cooled (at varying humidity) to become saturated is called the _______ temperature?

49 / 50

When the liquid phase and vapour phase of a binary system obeys Raoult?s and Dalton?s law respectively, the relative volatility is the ratio of__________?

50 / 50

Unit operation involved in the prilling of urea is_______?

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4 Qul
6 Kalma
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