Materials and Construction Quiz 8
1 / 50
Thermosetting polymers are__________?
2 / 50
The most commonly used resin for making reinforced plastic is_____?
3 / 50
The material used in the filament of electric bulbs is__________?
4 / 50
The most resistant material to alkaline corrosion is______?
5 / 50
The loss of strength in compression which occurs, when there is a gain of strength in tension due to over loading is called___________?
6 / 50
The carbonating tower used in Solvay process of soda ash manufacture is made of__________?
7 / 50
The main constituent of carborundum is _____ carbide?
8 / 50
The ?bomb? in the bomb calorimeter is made of_____?
9 / 50
The hardest material just prior to diamond in Mho?s scale is_____?
10 / 50
The impure iron (pig iron) that is tapped out from blast furnace contains about ______ percent carbon?
11 / 50
Thermal shield used in high powered nuclear reactor to protect the walls of the reactor from radiation damage is made of_____?
12 / 50
The ability of a material to absorb energy in the elastic range is a measure of its ___________?
13 / 50
The digester of a Gobar gas plant is a_____?
14 / 50
The increase in hardness of metal due to its cold working is termed as the ________ hardening?
15 / 50
The hardest material just prior to diamond in Mhos scale is__________?
16 / 50
The fermenter used for the production of ethyl alcohol from molasses is made of_________?
17 / 50
Thermoplastic resins are those polymers, which______?
18 / 50
The presence of impurities in iron__________?
19 / 50
The specific gravity of coal depends mainly on its _______ content?
20 / 50
The process of coating steel sheets by zinc to improve its corrosion resistance is called_____?
21 / 50
The softest material just next to talc in the Mhos scale is__________?
22 / 50
Thermometer bulb & capillary in case of mercury filled pressure spring expansion thermometer is normally made of _______ as mercury does not amalgamate with it?
23 / 50
The formation of oxide film on a metal due to atmospheric exposure reduces its_____?
24 / 50
The material of construction of pressure mills used for squeezing out the juice from sugar cane is___________?
25 / 50
The most distinguished property of malleable cast iron is its high__________?
26 / 50
The maximum percentage of chromium that can be added to steel is about______?
27 / 50
The process of heating the cold pressed metallic powder is called _______ in powder metallurgy?
28 / 50
The ability of a material to offer resistance to scratching or indentation is a measure of its__________?
29 / 50
The material of construction of bearings is___________?
30 / 50
The addition of antimony in tin-based alloys improves its_________?
31 / 50
The temperature at which new grains are formed in the metal is called the _______ temperature?
32 / 50
The range of Mho?s scale of hardness is from_________?
33 / 50
The electrical conductivity of a _______ decreases with rise in temperature?
34 / 50
The main purpose of galvanising iron sheets is to_____?
35 / 50
The crystal structure of most of the common metals is_______?
36 / 50
The phenomenon in which slow extension of material takes place with the time at constant load is called_________?
37 / 50
The high expansion metal normally used in the bimetallic thermometer is ________ temperature measurement?
38 / 50
The malleability of a material is the property by virtue of which it can be rolled or hammered into thin sheets. Which of the following materials has the maximum malleability ?
39 / 50
The preferred material of construction for storage tanks for 98% sulphuric acid is__________?
40 / 50
The purpose of nitriding the steel is to_____?
41 / 50
The damage/deterioration of metals by the _______ action of fluids is called ?erosion??
42 / 50
The metals occuring at the lower most position in the electromotive series______?
43 / 50
The behaviour of visco-elastic material is time dependent. This behaviour is common in ______ materials?
44 / 50
The fermenter used in the production of penicillin (by deep fermentation process) is made of_____?
45 / 50
Tempering of steel is done to make it__________?
46 / 50
The heat treatment process applied to cold formed steel parts is ______?
47 / 50
The softest material in Mho?s scale (for measuring hardness) is_________?
48 / 50
The heat treatment process to which castings and the steel balls produced by cold heading are subjected is______?
49 / 50
The softest material just next to talc in the Mho?s scale is_____?
50 / 50
The chlorinator used in the manufacture of DDT is made of_____?
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