Mechanical Engineering Quiz 41
1 / 50
Carnot cycle is__________________?
2 / 50
A hydraulic press has a ram of 15 cm diameter and plunger of 1.5 cm. It is required to lift a weight of 1 tonne. The force required on plunger is equal to_________________?
3 / 50
Self-ignition temperature of petrol is of the order of___________________?
4 / 50
The relative heat absorption for successively added equal areas of boiler convection heating surfaces____________________?
5 / 50
6 / 50
Kerosene is distilled at________________?
7 / 50
Limiting force of friction is the__________________?
8 / 50
Which of the following can be used as a coolant in nuclear plant________________?
9 / 50
Ratio of inertia force to surface Jension is known as ___________________?
10 / 50
In regenerator type heat exchanger, heat transfer takes place by___________________?
11 / 50
If a certain amount of dry ice is mixed with same amount of water at 80?C, the final temperature of mixture will be__________________?
12 / 50
Sensible heat is the heat required to __________________?
13 / 50
Rectilinear motion of piston is converted into rotary by_______________?
14 / 50
Pick up the correct statement from the following?
15 / 50
The indicated work per unit mass of air delivered is___________________?
16 / 50
A cylindrical section having no joint is known as ____________________?
17 / 50
Most of the domestic refrigerators work on the following refrigeration system _________________?
18 / 50
Property of a fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called___________________?
19 / 50
The deductions for, employees provident fund start________________?
20 / 50
The main disadvantage of line organisation is_________________?
21 / 50
Two balls of same material and finish have their diameters in the ratio of 2 : 1 and both are heated to same temperature and allowed to cool by radiation. Rate of cooling by big ball as compared to smaller one will be in the ratio of____________________?
22 / 50
First law of thermodynamics___________________?
23 / 50
Coulomb friction is the friction between_____________________?
24 / 50
The fuel needed, with reflector in nuclear power plant, in order to generate sufficient neutrons to sustain a chain reaction, would be________________?
25 / 50
The value of n = 1 in the poly tropic process indicates it to be __________________?
26 / 50
If one cylinder of a diesel engine receives more fuel than the others, then for that cylinder the________________?
27 / 50
The center of gravity of a uniform lamina lies at____________________?
28 / 50
Yield point in fatigue loading as compared to static loading is__________________?
29 / 50
Which of the following coals has the highest calorific value_________________?
30 / 50
The thermal efficiency of a semi-diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio and fixed quantity of heat, with increase in pressure ratio will_______________?
31 / 50
The critical path of a network represents_______________________?
32 / 50
Polymerisation is a chemical process in which molecules of a compound become________________?
33 / 50
The fuel consumption in gas turbines is accounted for by___________________?
34 / 50
After-cooler is used to__________________?
35 / 50
The pressure and temperature conditions of air at the suction of compressor are_________________?
36 / 50
Which of the following has maximum value of thermal conductivity________________?
37 / 50
The stress developed in a material at breaking point in extension is called_________________?
38 / 50
The ratio of two specific heats of air is equal to____________________?
39 / 50
The following present serious difficulty in designing reactor shield_________________?
40 / 50
It the temperature of intake air in IC engines is lowered, then its efficiency will_______________________?
41 / 50
A body moves, from rest with a constant acceleration of 5 m per sec. The distance covered in 5 sec is most nearly_________________?
42 / 50
Supercharging is the process of_____________________?
43 / 50
The flow which neglects changes in a transverse direction is known as_________________?
44 / 50
The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as_________________?
45 / 50
The amount deducted from the salary of workers towards employees provident fund is_______________?
46 / 50
The accunmulation of carbon in a cylinder results in increase of________________?
47 / 50
Weld decay is the phenomenon found with _________________?
48 / 50
Which of the following alloys does not contain tin_________________?
49 / 50
Equivalent evaporation of water is the evaporation ?for a feed water supply at 100?C__________________?
50 / 50
If an unsupported uniform cross sectional elastic bar is subjected to a longitudinal impact from a rigid bob moving with velocity v, then a compressive wave of intensity sc is propagated through the bar as follows______________________?
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