Mechanical Engineering Quiz 1
1 / 50
Routing prescribes the_________________?
2 / 50
The ratio of the emissive power and absorptive power of all bodies is the same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body. This statement is known as_________________?
3 / 50
Perminvar alloy having constant permeability is an alloy of________________?
4 / 50
Efficiency of gas turbine is increased by________________ ?
5 / 50
Choose the wrong statement ?
6 / 50
A number of forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium if_____________________?
7 / 50
Pulley in a belt drive acts as_______________?
8 / 50
A body moves, from rest with a constant acceleration of 5 m per sec. The distance covered in 5 sec is most nearly_______________?
9 / 50
In composite or reverse laid ropes___________________?
10 / 50
Injection lag is_________________?
11 / 50
True stress-strain curve for materials is plotted between__________________?
12 / 50
The following property is most important for material used for gas turbine blade___________________?
13 / 50
The pressure ratio for an open cycle gas turbine compared to closed cycle gas turbine of same h.p. is_______________?
14 / 50
For obtaining high COP, the pressure range of compressor should be_______________?
15 / 50
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. A critical ratio scheduling____________________?
16 / 50
The maximum frictional force which comes into play when a body just begins to slide over another surface is called__________________?
17 / 50
The standard time for a job is_________________?
18 / 50
A completely constrained motion can be transmitted with __________________?
19 / 50
Which process will increase the fatigue duration of parts ?
20 / 50
The operation of straightening a curved sheet metal, is known as____________________?
21 / 50
The efficiency of a centrifugal pump is maximum when its blades are__________________?
22 / 50
Work study comprises following main techniques_________________?
23 / 50
Which device is used in thermal power plants to reduce level of pollution___________________?
24 / 50
If a pump is handling water and is discharging a certain flow Q at a constant total dynamic head requiring a definite B.H.P., the same pump when handling a liquid of specific gravity 0.75 and viscosity nearly same as of water would discharge_____________________?
25 / 50
The materials which exhibit the same elastic properties in all directions are called______________?
26 / 50
A simple turbo-jet engine is basically_________________?
27 / 50
Castle nut is a locking device in which__________________?
28 / 50
The property of a material which allows it to be drawn into a smaller section is called________________?
29 / 50
One horsepower is equal to_________________?
30 / 50
Work ratio of a gas turbine plant is ratio of______________________?
31 / 50
For low load operation, more suitable (economical) engine is_______________?
32 / 50
In actual machines_______________?
33 / 50
Euler?s equation is applicable for__________________?
34 / 50
The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m?_________________?
35 / 50
Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of___________________?
36 / 50
Gas turbine cycle consists of___________________?
37 / 50
Paramagnetic alpha iron changes to gamma iron at_______________?
38 / 50
Which of the following quantities is not the property of the system__________________?
39 / 50
In the cross compounding of the gas turbine plant__________________?
40 / 50
Fast breeder reactor uses___________________?
41 / 50
Gas turbine cycle with Regenerator __________________?
42 / 50
Deposition of carbon in petrol engine cylinder would result in increase of__________________?
43 / 50
Oldham?s coupling is the ____________________?
44 / 50
Indicator diagram of a reciprocating pump is a graph between________________?
45 / 50
Which of the following is not correct procedure to increase the fatigue limit_______________?
46 / 50
For same power and same speed, the flywheel of a four stroke engine as compared to two-stroke I. engine will be________________?
47 / 50
Forces are called concurrent when their lines of action meet in________________?
48 / 50
For steel, the ultimate strength in shear as compared to in tension is nearly _________________?
49 / 50
Diamond riveted joint can be adopted in the case of following type of joint _____________________?
50 / 50
Which is not the correct statement about moisture in coal ______________________?
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