Mechanical Engineering Quiz 11
1 / 50
What does symbol ?V? employ in work study________________?
2 / 50
On volume basis, air contains following parts of oxygen _____________________?
3 / 50
Angular acceleration of a link can be determined by dividing the___________________?
4 / 50
The unique property of cast iron is its high ___________________?
5 / 50
Actual compression curve is___________________?
6 / 50
Crankcase explosion in I.C engines usuall occurs as ___________________?
7 / 50
Ferromagnetic alpha iron exists in temperature range of________________?
8 / 50
Which is false statement about normalizing. Normalizing is done to _________________?
9 / 50
Buttress threads are usually found on____________________?
10 / 50
One ton of the refrigeration is_________________?
11 / 50
The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 5?C increase in atmospheric temperature__________________?
12 / 50
Dynamic friction as compared to static friction is___________________?
13 / 50
The efficiency of a nuclear power plant in comparison to conventional and nuclear consideration is__________________?
14 / 50
Rating of a domestic refrigerator is of the order of__________________?
15 / 50
The number of isotopes of hydrogen are _________________?
16 / 50
Alkaline pyrogallate is used in Orsat?s apparatus for absorption of _________________?
17 / 50
At which pressure the properties of water and steam become identical_________________?
18 / 50
Half life of a radioactive isotope corresponds to the time required for half of the following to decay__________________?
19 / 50
Cap screws are___________________?
20 / 50
Entropy change depends on___________________?
21 / 50
Primary air is the air used to__________________?
22 / 50
A material capable of absorbing large amount of energy before fracture is known as________________?
23 / 50
The volumetirc efficiency of a compressor is calculated on the basis of __________________?
24 / 50
Which of the following is an irreversible cycle_____________________?
25 / 50
Theoretically, the following engine should have maximum efficiency________________?
26 / 50
Which is false statement about air receivers ___________________?
27 / 50
Steam engine operates on_________________?
28 / 50
Pick up the incorrect statement?
29 / 50
Thermal conductivity of solid metals with rise in temperature normally___________________?
30 / 50
A fusible plug is fitted in small boilers in order to ___________________?
31 / 50
Scheduling gives information about____________________?
32 / 50
Solid- fuel for nuclear reactions may be fabricated into various small shapes such as___________________?
33 / 50
The hardness of steel primarily depends on _____________________?
34 / 50
the chain is constrained when_________________?
35 / 50
Shear stress theory is applicable for____________________?
36 / 50
Hard coke is used in________________?
37 / 50
Queuing theory is associated with __________________?
38 / 50
The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to move down is known as angle of __________________?
39 / 50
The pitch of threads on a Jock nut in comparison to pitch of nut is_________________?
40 / 50
Producer gas is produced by_____________________?
41 / 50
The linear programming techniques can be applied successfully to industries like_________________?
42 / 50
In regenerative air preheater, the heat is transferred _____________________?
43 / 50
If two springs are in parallel then their overall stiffness will be_______________?
44 / 50
The two important forces for a floating body are__________________?
45 / 50
Pressure intensifier increases the pressure in proportion to____________________?
46 / 50
The state of vapour under saturation condition is described by_______________?
47 / 50
In a naturally aspirated diesel engine, the air is supplied by________________?
48 / 50
A fast breeder reactor uses_______________?
49 / 50
Which of the following is steam dbal?
50 / 50
The hardness of steel increases if it contains____________________?
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