Mechanical Engineering Quiz 19


Mechanical Engineering Quiz 19

1 / 50

Pick up the wrong statement Nickel and chromium in steel help in _________________?

2 / 50

U238 will undergo fission by_________________?

3 / 50

Air fuel ratio for idling speed of a petrol engine is approximately_________________?

4 / 50

Absorption system normally uses the following refrigerant___________________?

5 / 50

Natural water circulation, by convection in water tube boilers, with increase in pressure of boiler _________________?

6 / 50

Non uniform flow occurs when_________________?

7 / 50

Losses in a centrifugal compressor are due to__________________?

8 / 50

In a diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by___________________?

9 / 50

In the perpetual inventory control, the material is checked when it reaches its________________?

10 / 50

Expediting function consists in keeping a watch on__________________?

11 / 50

The advantage of the piston valve over D-slide valve is that in the former case____________________?

12 / 50

Which of the following is not the unit of energy_________________?

13 / 50

A projectile is fired at an angle 9 to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when 9 is__________________?

14 / 50

Which law states that the internal energy of a gas is a function of temperature__________________?

15 / 50

Sulphur in coal results in___________________?

16 / 50

When a nut is tightened by plaping a washer below it, the bolt will be subjected to following type of loads___________________?

17 / 50

First law of thermodynamics furnishes the relationship between______________________?

18 / 50

Gaseous-fuel guarantees are based on___________________?

19 / 50

Taper on the cotter and slot is provided_________________?

20 / 50

Locomotive boiler is of the following type__________________?

21 / 50

Intercooling in gas turbine results in ____________________ ?

22 / 50

For a compressor, least work will be done if the compression is________________ ?

23 / 50

In the crankcase method of scavenging, the air pressure is produced by_________________?

24 / 50

For the same power developed in I.C engines, the cheaper system is_____________?

25 / 50

In order to increase sensitivity of U-tube manometer, one leg is usually inclined by angle 9. Sensitivity of inclined tube to sensitivity of U-tube is equal to________________?

26 / 50

Total emissivity of polished silver compared to black body is___________________?

27 / 50

The thermal diffusivities for gases are generally_____________________?

28 / 50

A hydraulic intensifier normally consists of __________________?

29 / 50

Maximum temprature in a gas turbine is of the order of COMPRESSORS, GAS TURBINES AND JET ENGINES______________________?

30 / 50

In a cycle, the spark lasts roughly for ____________________?

31 / 50

Moderator in nuclear plants is used to__________________?

32 / 50

An odd shaped body weighing 7.5 kg and occupying 0.01 m3 volume will be completely submerged in a fluid having specific gravity of__________________?

33 / 50

The behaviour of coal in a furnace is determained by_______________________?

34 / 50

For very great pressures, viscosity of moss gases and liquids__________________?

35 / 50

If a rigid body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces, then _____________________?

36 / 50

In water wall furnace, the heat is transferred to the water-walls by _________________?

37 / 50

Pressure of the order of 10?? torr can be measured by__________________?

38 / 50

Specific speed for reaction turbines ranges from___________________?

39 / 50

A 5 BHP engine running at full load would consume diesel of the order of_________________?

40 / 50

Current assets include_______________?

41 / 50

The pressure of reheat steam after passing through reheater compared to inlet condition is _________________?

42 / 50

The ignition of charge by some hot surface in the engine cylinder before operation of spark plug is known as________________?

43 / 50

Ammonia is __________________?

44 / 50

Ignition lag is__________________?

45 / 50

Power impulses from an I.C engine are somoothed out by__________________?

46 / 50

Which of the following nuclear reactor does not need a heat exchanger for generation of steam____________________?

47 / 50

Cochran boiler is a__________________?

48 / 50

The value of the product of molecular weight and the gas characteristic constant for all the gases in S.I. units is________________?

49 / 50

The bank of tubes at the back of domestic refrigerator are _________________?

50 / 50

The ratio of isentropic work to Euler work is known as_____________________?

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