Mechanical Engineering Quiz 28


Mechanical Engineering Quiz 28

1 / 50

100% efficiency of a thermal cycle cannot be achieved because of __________________?

2 / 50

Carnot cycle efficiency depends upon________________?

3 / 50

The pressure?of a gas in terms of its mean kinetic energy per unit volume E is equal to________________?

4 / 50

Stress concentration in static loading is more serious in__________________?

5 / 50

A nuclear fission is initiated when the critical energy as compared to neutron binding energy of the atoms is_________________?

6 / 50

In vapor compression cycle, the condition of refrigerant is high pressure saturated liquid________________?

7 / 50

The thermal efficiency of a simple gas turbine for a given turbine inlet temperature with increase in pressure ratio_____________________?

8 / 50

In a throttling process_________________?

9 / 50

The following type of carburettor is preferred_______________?

10 / 50

In cross or regular lay ropes_________________?

11 / 50

With single Hooke?s joint it is possible to connect two shafts, the axes of which have an angular misalignment up to ________________?

12 / 50

The locus of a point on a thread unwound from a cylinder will be___________________?

13 / 50

Travel charts provide__________________?

14 / 50

In isochronous governing, speed droop is_______________?

15 / 50

The same volume of all gases would represent their____________________?

16 / 50

Cast iron has_________________?

17 / 50

In the case of petrol engine at maximum output, the percentage of CO in exhaust gases is ____________________?

18 / 50

One kg of steam sample contains 0.8 kg dry steam; it?s dryness fraction is__________________?

19 / 50

The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terms of__________________?

20 / 50

Brittle coating technique is used for_________________?

21 / 50

The m.e.p. of a petrol engine first increases as the fuel air ratio is increased and then decreases on further increase in fuel air ratio. The M.E.P is maximum in the zone of________________?

22 / 50

Basic constituents of Monel metal are _________________?

23 / 50

Reciprocating air compressor is best suited for___________________?

24 / 50

Mixture of ice and water form a________________________?

25 / 50

Bin card is used in__________________?

26 / 50

If the opposite links of a four bar linkage are equal, the links will always form a_________________?

27 / 50

Flow of water in a pipe about 3 metres in diameter can be measured by__________________?

28 / 50

Process of austempering results in__________________?

29 / 50

For which material the Poisson?s ratio is more than unity_________________?

30 / 50

Heat is closely related with___________________?

31 / 50

Davis steering gear consists of__________________?

32 / 50

Cobalt in steel __________________?

33 / 50

Ball bearing type screws are found in following application_____________________?

34 / 50

One ton refrigeratiqn corresponds to_________________?

35 / 50

The vapor compression refrigerator employs the following cycle_________________?

36 / 50

Military organisation is known as_______________________?

37 / 50

A perfect gas at 27?C is heated at constant pressure till its volume is double. The final temperature is________________?

38 / 50

The internal reaction in bottom 80 cm length will be________________?

39 / 50

If d is the normal diameter of a bolt in mm, then the initial tension in kg in a bolt used for making a fluid tight joint as for steam engine cover joint is calculated by the relation_______________?

40 / 50

Latent heat of dry steam at atmospneric pressure is equal to____________________?

41 / 50

In automobiles the power is transmitted from gear box to differential through _________________?

42 / 50

Caking coals are those which __________________________?

43 / 50

The crystal structure of gamma iron is_________________?

44 / 50

Farad is the unit of___________?

45 / 50

The included angle in unified of American National threads is___________________?

46 / 50

Center of gravity of a solid cone lies on the axis at the height _____________________?

47 / 50

Which of the following statements is correct ?

48 / 50

The increase in pressure _________________?

49 / 50

During base load operation, the best method of controlling compressor is ___________________?

50 / 50

In a flooded evaporator refrigerator, an accumulator at suction of compressor is used to___________________?

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