Mechanical Engineering Quiz 31
1 / 50
Newton?s law of viscosity is a relationship between____________________?
2 / 50
An air compressor may be controlled by____________________?
3 / 50
Axial flow compressor has the following advantage over centrifugal compressor__________________?
4 / 50
Which is the false statement about true stress-strain method______________?
5 / 50
Angle of friction is the_______________________?
6 / 50
Plutonium-239 is produced__________________?
7 / 50
Tandem drawing of wires and tubes is necessary because_________________?
8 / 50
Gas turbine blades are given a rake___________________?
9 / 50
Sulphur content in diesel oil should not be more than_________________?
10 / 50
The efficiency of a Carnot engine depends on_______________________?
11 / 50
If a number of forces act simultaneously on a particle, it is possible _____________________?
12 / 50
The transistor is made of___________________?
13 / 50
Steady flow occurs when___________________?
14 / 50
A turbine pump is basically a centrifugal pump equipped additionally with_________________?
15 / 50
A perpetual motion machine is___________________?
16 / 50
A hot short metal is_________________?
17 / 50
The total strain energy stored in a body is termed as__________________?
18 / 50
An open system is one in which____________________?
19 / 50
The commonly used material for shielding is__________________?
20 / 50
Which of the following variables controls the physical properties of a perfect gas_________________?
21 / 50
The diameter of fire tube of Cornish boiler compared to its shell is__________________?
22 / 50
CPM is the___________________?
23 / 50
The precess of breaking up or a lipuid into fine droplets by spraying is called___________________?
24 / 50
Water at pressure of 4 kg/cm2 and 160?C temperature when exposed to atmosphere will_________________?
25 / 50
If a gas is heated against a pressure, keeping the volume constant, then work done will be equal to__________________?
26 / 50
When a ship travels in a sea, which of the effect is more dangerous___________________?
27 / 50
Which is false statement about annealing. Annealing is done to________________?
28 / 50
In the lever of third order, load W, effort P and fulcrum F are oriented as follows_________________?
29 / 50
Tangential acceleration direction is_________________?
30 / 50
The hottest point in a gas turbine is______________________?
31 / 50
A liquid would wet the solid, if adhesion forces as compared to cohesion forces are________________?
32 / 50
The balanced draft furnace is one using _________________________?
33 / 50
The most popular firing order in case of four cylinder in-line I.C engine is__________________?
34 / 50
An ideal flow of any fluid must satisfy __________________?
35 / 50
Does the supply of scavenging air at a density greater than that of atmosphere mean engine is supercharged ?
36 / 50
Mining industry usually employs following motive power___________________?
37 / 50
02 content in atmospheric air on volume basis is___________________?
38 / 50
Which of the following is the primary fuel________________?
39 / 50
In a forced vortex, the velocity of flow everywhere within the fluid is__________________?
40 / 50
According to Gay-Lussac law for a perfect gas, the absolute pressure of given mass varies directly as____________________?
41 / 50
The most practical fuel for a thermo-nuclear reactor, both from econocical and nuclear consideration is____________________?
42 / 50
Material handling and plant location is analysed by________________?
43 / 50
A 4-stroke diesel engine needs about following amount of air_________________?
44 / 50
Stress relaxation is- the phenomenon ___________________?
45 / 50
The time which results in the least possible direct cost of an activity is known as________________?
46 / 50
To avoid an interruption in the flow of a syphon, an air vessel is provided__________________?
47 / 50
Replacement studies are made on the fol-lowing basis_________________?
48 / 50
The angle of taper on draft tube is
49 / 50
In a static fluid ___________________?
50 / 50
A diathermic wall is one which____________________?
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