Mechanical Engineering Quiz 32
1 / 50
Two dimensional flow occurs when________________?
2 / 50
Ball valves are commonly used to_________?
3 / 50
The crystal of alpha iron is ____________________?
4 / 50
If an application calls for stresses on screw threads in one direction only, then the following type of thread would be best suited ________________?
5 / 50
The basic job of feed water treatment in boilers is to overcome the problem of __________________?
6 / 50
If threads on a bolt are left hand, threads on nut will be_____________________?
7 / 50
Ratio of inertia force to elastic force is known as__________________?
8 / 50
The maximum value of the pressure angle in case of cam is kept as________________?
9 / 50
The- most efficient method of compressing air is to compress it_________________?
10 / 50
Which of the following are ferrite materials__________________?
11 / 50
Which of the following is a permanent fastening ?
12 / 50
According to fan laws, at constant weight of air or gas, the speed, capacity and pressure vary________________?
13 / 50
The unit of pressure in S.I. units is____________________?
14 / 50
Fire tube boilers are limited to a maximum design working pressure of ____________________?
15 / 50
A grey body is one whose absorptivity_________________?
16 / 50
Job evaluation is the method-of determining the________________?
17 / 50
Which is false statement about multistage compression ?
18 / 50
In a throttling process________________?
19 / 50
In turbulence chamber in diesel engine__________________?
20 / 50
Reaction turbines are used for____________________?
21 / 50
A heavy string attached at two ends at same horizontal level and when central dip is very small approaches the following curve ____________________?
22 / 50
Intensive property of a system is one whose value____________________?
23 / 50
Choose the correct relationship ?
24 / 50
The ideal efficiency of a Brayton cycle with regeneration, with increase in pressure ratio will______________?
25 / 50
The buoyancy depends on___________________?
26 / 50
In counter flow heat exchangers_________________?
27 / 50
Pick up the correct statement from the following?
28 / 50
Elinvar, an alloy used in precision instruments, hair springs for watches, etc. contains the following element as principal alloying element__________________?
29 / 50
Metacentre is the point of intersection of _________________________?
30 / 50
In order to obtain bolt of uniform strength____________________?
31 / 50
Carburretion is done to________________?
32 / 50
Which is not correct statement about pulverised fuel firing ?
33 / 50
Corioli?s component acts________________?
34 / 50
Delta iron occurs at temperature of_______________?
35 / 50
Alcohol is used in manometer, because____________________?
36 / 50
The molecules in a solid move______________?
37 / 50
Standard time is defined as ____________________?
38 / 50
A grey body is one whose absorptivity _________________?
39 / 50
The valve rod in a steam engine is connected to an eccentric rod by_________________?
40 / 50
If a material expands freely due to heating it will develop ____________________?
41 / 50
Heating wet steam at constant temperature is heating it at constant_________________?
42 / 50
One ton of refrigeration is equal to the refrigeration effect corresponding to melting of 1000 kg of ice_________________?
43 / 50
The time constant of a thermocouple is_______________?
44 / 50
The change in the unit volume of a material under tension with increase in its Poisson?s ratio will ________________?
45 / 50
Angle of ascent of cam is defined as the angle___________________?
46 / 50
The employees provident fund act is applicable to________________?
47 / 50
The cycle in which heat is supplied at constant volume and rejected at constant pressure is known as_________________?
48 / 50
Which of the following constituents of steels is softest and least strong ________________?
49 / 50
The actual volume of fresh charge admitted in 4-stroke petrol engine is_________________?
50 / 50
The number of links and instantaneous centers in a reciprocating engine mechanism are ___________________?
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