Mechanical Engineering Quiz 38


Mechanical Engineering Quiz 38

1 / 50

In queuing theory, the nature of the waiting situation can be studied and analysed mathematically if_________________?

2 / 50

Fuel oil consumption guarantees for I C engine are usually based on__________________?

3 / 50

Calorie is a measure of

4 / 50

The number of electrons in 1 cm3 of metal would be of the order of_______________?

5 / 50

Short horizontal lines on pressure-enthalpy chart show__________________?

6 / 50

For which of the following substances, the internal energy and enthalpy are the functions of temperature only____________________?

7 / 50

For proper refrigeration in a cabinet, if the temperature and vapour pressure difference between cabinet and atmosphere is high, then_________________?

8 / 50

In an experiment to determine dryness fraction of steam, the mass of water separated was 1.2 kg in 15 mts and the mass of steam passed out in same time was 4.8 kg. Dryness fraction is__________________?

9 / 50

The reason for supercharging in any engine is to________________?

10 / 50

The impact strength of a material is an index of its ___________________?

11 / 50

The first unclear power plant in India is located at____________________?

12 / 50

The effective power of gas turbines is increased by adding the following in compressor__________________?

13 / 50

Leakage past the piston rings and valve seats in I.C engines with increase in speed_______________?

14 / 50

If n = number of members andy = number of joints, then for a perfect frame, n =_________________?

15 / 50

The center of gravity of a triangle lies at the point of __________________?

16 / 50

The value of Poisson?s ratio for cast iron is_________________?

17 / 50

Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as________________?

18 / 50

Air refrigeration cycle is used in ____________________?

19 / 50

Poise is the unit of________________?

20 / 50

The moment on the pulley which produces rotation is called ___________________?

21 / 50

Which of the following laws is applicable for the behavior of a perfect gas__________________?

22 / 50

Reheating of steam under ideal conditions takes place at constant __________________?

23 / 50

Free cutting steels_____________________?

24 / 50

Chilled cast iron has____________________?

25 / 50

All radiations in a black body are___________________?

26 / 50

Diesel engines have low specific fuel consumption compared to petrol engine. This statement is____________________?

27 / 50

For a thermodynamic process to be reversible, the temperature difference between hot body and working substance should be___________________?

28 / 50

Phenomenon of choking in compressor means __________________?

29 / 50

Which of the following has least value of conductivity_________________?

30 / 50

Freon group of refrigerants are___________________?

31 / 50

Which of the following mechanisms produces mathematically an exact straight line motion____________________?

32 / 50

The flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and their paths do not cross each other is called__________________?

33 / 50

In refrigerators, the temperature difference between the evaporating refrigerant and the medium being cooled should be_________________?

34 / 50

The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressure__________________?

35 / 50

Isothermal compression effeicency can be attained by running the compressor__________________?

36 / 50

When a body floating in a liquid, is displaced slightly, it oscillates about _________________?

37 / 50

Film coefficient is defined as Inside diameter of tube________________?

38 / 50

Which one of the following represents a group incentive plan ?

39 / 50

Relationship between the number of links (L) and number of pairs (P) is___________________?

40 / 50

Steam in water tube boiler as compared to fire tube boiler_________________?

41 / 50

Isotopes of same elements have___________________?

42 / 50

The shearing stresses in the inner face as compared to outer face of the wire in a heavy close coiled spring is_________________?

43 / 50

Which of the following pipe joints would be suitable for pipes carrying steam_____________?

44 / 50

Which of the following cycles is not a reversible cycle_____________________?

45 / 50

The probability distribution of activity times in PERT follows following distribution__________________?

46 / 50

The lenght of Cornish boiler is of the order of _________________?

47 / 50

Choose the wrong statement ?

48 / 50

The crown of the fire box is made hemispherical in order to___________________?

49 / 50

The maximum stress due to stress concentration in a bar having circular transverse hole, as compared to its static stress without hole will be_________________?

50 / 50

If shearing stress in nut is half the tensile stress in a bolt, then nut length should be equal to___________________?

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