Mechanical Engineering Quiz 39


Mechanical Engineering Quiz 39

1 / 50

The time required to complete a job is established and a bonus is paid to the worker based on the exact % of time saved. This type of incentive plan is known as_________________?

2 / 50

PMTP (predetermined motion time systems) include___________________?

3 / 50

Reheating in multistage expansion gas turbine results in____________________?

4 / 50

A flywheel on a motor goes from rest to 1000 rpm in 6 sec. The number of revolutions made is nearly equal to___________________?

5 / 50

According to Stefan-Boltzmann law, ideal radiators emit radiant energy at a rate proportional to___________________?

6 / 50

A cam with a roller follower would con stitute following type of pair______________?

7 / 50

Aeroplanes employ following type of compressor_______________?

8 / 50

Francis, Kaplan and propeller turbines fall under the category of___________________?

9 / 50

A hydraulic accumulator normally consists of________________?

10 / 50

If E is the duration, ES and EF are die earliest start and finish times, LS and LF are latest start and finish times, then the following relation holds good______________________?

11 / 50

The general rule for rating refrigeration systems (excepting for C02 system) is to approximate following h.p. per ton of refrigeration__________________?

12 / 50

Brass (alloy of copper and zinc) is an example of__________________?

13 / 50

Stress concentration is caused due to_____________________?

14 / 50

Breeder reactor has a conversion ratio of_____________________?

15 / 50

Pick up the wrong statement ?

16 / 50

Carbon steel is_______________?

17 / 50

The horse power required in above case will be___________________?

18 / 50

The process by which a heavy nucleus is splitted into two light nuclei is known as_________________?

19 / 50

The total emissivity power is .defined as the total amount of radiation emitted by a black body per unit_______________?

20 / 50

Rivets are made of following type of material_________________?

21 / 50

While steam expands in turbines, theoretically the entropy________________?

22 / 50

In micromotion study, therblig is described by_______________?

23 / 50

Product layout is employed for____________________?

24 / 50

A tube has the following advantage over pipe_________________?

25 / 50

Which of the following equations is not in conformity with others______________?

26 / 50

The units of moment of inertia of an area are__________________?

27 / 50

In multi-V-belt transmission, if one of the belt is broken, we have to change the_________________?

28 / 50

Ferrite material is____________________?

29 / 50

Resilience of a material is important, when it is subjected to________________?

30 / 50

The salient feature of functional organisation is________________?

31 / 50

The nuclear power plant at Tarapur has the following reactor________________?

32 / 50

The clearance volume of the air compressor is kept minimum because____________________?

33 / 50

The connecting rod bolts are tightened up so that tightening stress _________________?

34 / 50

During polytropic process_________________?

35 / 50

The most commonly used moderator in nuclear plants is___________________?

36 / 50

The maximum compression ratio in an actual single stage axial flow comperssor is of the order of________________?

37 / 50

If three forces acting in one plane upon a rigid body, keep it in equilibrium, then they must either___________________?

38 / 50

Natural uranium is made up of__________________?

39 / 50

In S.J. unit, one ton of refrigeration is equal to___________________?

40 / 50

Ductility of a material can be defined as__________________?

41 / 50

The vapor pressure of refrigerant should be_________________?

42 / 50

The ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction is known as _____________________?

43 / 50

In the Halsey 50-50 plan, the following are rewarded more___________________?

44 / 50

Minimum work in compressor is possible when the value of adiabatic index n is equal to_________________?

45 / 50

Whether any core is required in wire ropes________________?

46 / 50

A circle passing through the pitch point with its center at the center of cam axis is known as___________________?

47 / 50

It is required to connect two parallel shafts, the distance between whose axes is small and variable. The shafts are coupled by_______________?

48 / 50

The units of dynamic or absolute viscosity are__________________?

49 / 50

Ratio of indicated H.P. and brake H.P. is known as_________________?

50 / 50

A specimen of aluminium metal when observed under microscope shows __________________?

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