Mechanical Operations Quiz 1


Mechanical Operations Quiz 1

1 / 50

________ centrifuge is the most suitable for separation of non-friable crystals?

2 / 50

______ are mixed using ribbon blenders ?

3 / 50

______ mills are termed as impactors?

4 / 50

A fluid energy mill is used for__________?

5 / 50

________ balls capable of grinding the feed in a ball mill gives the maximum efficiency ?

6 / 50

A screen is said to be blinded, when the_____?

7 / 50

A pebble mill__________?

8 / 50

________ mixer is used for devulcanisation of rubber scrap & making water dispersion & rubber solution?

9 / 50

A ______ mixer resembles a ball mill without balls?

10 / 50

______ mills are termed as disintegrators?

11 / 50

__________ conveyor is the most suitable for short distance transportation of non-abrasive loose materials like garbage, grain, food wastes etc?

12 / 50

A compressible cake has the__________?

13 / 50

A suspension of glass beads in ethylene glycol has a hindered settling velocity of 1.7 mm/s, while the terminal settling velocity of a single glass bead in ethylene glycol is 17 mm/s. If the Richardson-Zaki hindered settling index is 4.5, the volume fraction of solids in the suspension is______?

14 / 50

______ Centrifuge is normally used in sugar mills?

15 / 50

Actual operating speed of a ball mill may vary from 65 to 80% of the critical speed. Which of the following duties would require the ball mill to be operated at maximum percentage of critical speed ?

16 / 50

________ mill is normally used for grinding of talc?

17 / 50

_______ mill is not a revolving mill ?

18 / 50

Addition of filter aid to the slurry before filtration is done to ________ of the cake?

19 / 50

Activators are those chemicals which help buoying up one mineral in preference to the other in the froth floatation process. Which of the following is an activator ?

20 / 50

200 mesh screen means 200 openings per_______?

21 / 50

________ is a cohesive solid ?

22 / 50

______ conveyors are also called scrapers?

23 / 50

200 mesh sieve size corresponds to ______ microns?

24 / 50

According to Taggart?s rule for selecting between a gyratory crusher and a jaw crusher; the later should be used, if the hourly tonnage to be crushed divided by the square of the gape expressed in cm is less than________?

25 / 50

_______ baffles are provided in ball mills ?

26 / 50

Agglomeration of individual particles into clusters (flocs) is called flocculation. To prevent flocculation, the most commonly used dispersing agents are_________?

27 / 50

A tube mill as compared to a ball mill___________?

28 / 50

A widely used size reduction equipment for _______ is Bradford breaker?

29 / 50

________ is defined as the geometric mean of the relative rejections and the relative recoveries of two minerals?

30 / 50

A fluid energy mill is used for ___________?

31 / 50

_____ conveyor is the most suitable for long distance transportation of cold, nonabrasive granular/irregular shape/fine materials?

32 / 50

A centrifugal filtration unit operating at a rotational speed of w has inner surface of the liquid (density ?L) located at a radial distance R from the axis of rotation. The thickness of the liquid film is ? and no cake is formed. The initial pressure drop during filtration is _____?

33 / 50

_______ mean diameter of particles is given by ? (xi/Dpi ?)?

34 / 50

A filter press is_____?

35 / 50

Additives used for promoting the flocculation of particles is a/an _______?

36 / 50

A straight line is obtained on plotting reciprocal of filtration rate vs. the volume of filtrate for ________ flow of filtrate?

37 / 50

______ is the most suitable for compounding rubber and plastic solids ?

38 / 50

A ______ mill is a revolving mill divided into two or more sections by perforated partitions in which preliminary grinding takes place at one end and the finishing grinding at the discharge end?

39 / 50

_______ is used for producing a thick suspension from a thin slurry?

40 / 50

A ________ employs a set of screen across a flow channel for the separation of dirt/rust from a flowing liquid stream?

41 / 50

A sand mixture was screened through a standard 10-mesh screen. The mass fraction of the oversize material in feed, overflow and underflow were found to be 0.38, 0.79 and 0.22 respectively. The screen effectiveness based on the oversize is__________?

42 / 50

A tube mill compared to a ball mill___________?

43 / 50

________ mill is not used for grinding wheat into flour and for milling of cereals & other ? vegetable products.

44 / 50

A propeller agitator________?

45 / 50

A 30% (by volume) suspension of spherical sand particles in a viscous oil has a hindered settling velocity of 4.44 ?m/s. If the Richardson Zaki hindered settling index is 4.5, then the terminal velocity of a sand grain is__________?

46 / 50

A belt conveyor used for the transportation of materials can_____?

47 / 50

_____ mills fall in the category of tumbling mills ?

48 / 50

A cottrell precipitator makes use of the _______ for dusty air cleaning?

49 / 50

_______ are used for the separation of coarse particles from a slurry of fine particles?

50 / 50

According to Bond crushing law, the work required to form particle of size ?D? from very large feed is (where (S/V)p and (S/V)f are surface to volume ratio of the product and feed respectively) ?

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