Mechanical Operations Quiz 7


Mechanical Operations Quiz 7

1 / 50

Toothed roll crushers achieve size reduction by_____?

2 / 50

The value of work index does not change materially from one equipment to another. If the value of work index determined for close circuit grinding is Wi, then the same for open circuit grinding will be__________?

3 / 50

The term ?angle of nip? is concerned with the operation of the _____ crushers?

4 / 50

The sphericity of a cylinder of 1 mm diameter and length 3 mm is__________?

5 / 50

The maximum slope of a belt conveyor can be_______?

6 / 50

The most suitable equipment used to devulcanise rubber scrap and to make water dispersion & rubber solution is a ___________?

7 / 50

Trommels employ ______ for screening of materials?

8 / 50

The mechanism of size reduction by a hammer mill is by impact and attrition between the_________?

9 / 50

To remove dirt from the flowing fluid, we use a ______?

10 / 50

The specific cake resistance for incompressible sludges is (where ?P = pressure drop over cake)___________?

11 / 50

The material is crushed in a gyratory crusher by the action of___________?

12 / 50

The porosity of a compressible cake is _______?

13 / 50

The specific cake resistance for compressible sludges is a function of the pressure drop___________?

14 / 50

The inlet pressure in a constant rate filtration______?

15 / 50

The reduction ratio for fine grinders is______?

16 / 50

The unit of filter medium resistance is_________?

17 / 50

The unit of specific cake resistance is________?

18 / 50

The optimum moisture content in solids to be crushed/ground ranges from ________ percent?

19 / 50

The most suitable equipment for removing the fine dust particle (< 1 micron dia.) from air below its dew point will be a/an_______?

20 / 50

The filtrate flow rate in constant pressure filtration_____?

21 / 50

The speed of a rotary drum vacuum filter may be about ______ rpm?

22 / 50

The most suitable filter for the removal of very small amount of precipitate from very large volumes of water is the ______ filter?

23 / 50

To get a fine talc powder from its granules, the equipment used is______?

24 / 50

The important dimensional group involved in the power requirement calculation in mixing operation is the ______ number?

25 / 50

The process by which fine solids is removed from liquids is termed as _______?

26 / 50

The operating speed of a ball mill should be _______ the critical speed?

27 / 50

The main differentiation factor between tube mill and ball mill is the _____?

28 / 50

The opening of a 200 mesh screen (Taylor series) is___________?

29 / 50

The reduction ratio for grinders is defined as (where, Df and Dp are average diameters of feed and product respectively) ?

30 / 50

The process opposite to ?dispersion? is termed as the_____?

31 / 50

The ratio of the area of openings in one screen (Taylor series) to that of the openings in the next smaller screen is__________?

32 / 50

The sphericity of a solid particle of cubical shape is _____?

33 / 50

There is practically no alternative/competitor to __________ in the beneficiation treatment of sulphide ores?

34 / 50

The work index in Bond?s law for crushing of solids has the following dimensions___________?

35 / 50

To remove very small amount of tiny solid impurities from liquid, we use a_______?

36 / 50

To produce talcum powder, use_______?

37 / 50

The most efficient equipment for the removal of sub-micronic dust particles from blast furnace gas is the___________?

38 / 50

The most suitable equipment for the transportation of 200 mesh size particles is a ________?

39 / 50

To get ultrafine particles, the equipment used is a __________?

40 / 50

The study on washability of coal is done by using the ______ technique?

41 / 50

The most common filter aid is__________?

42 / 50

The specific surface of spherical particles is given by (where D and ? are diameter and density of particle) ?

43 / 50

The value of ?angle of nip? is generally about___________?

44 / 50

Traces of liquid tar fog present in coke oven gas is separated using______?

45 / 50

The specific surface of spherical particles is proportional to (where, Dp = diameter of particle)?

46 / 50

The grinding in a hammer crusher takes place due to the________?

47 / 50

The ratio of the actual mesh dimension of Taylor series to that of the next smaller screen is________?

48 / 50

The power number for a stirred tank becomes constant at high Reynolds number. In this limit, the variation of power input with impeller rotational speed (N) is proportional to_____?

49 / 50

The main size reduction operation in ultrafine grinders is______?

50 / 50

The resistance offered by the filter used in a bag filter is proportional to (where, c = dust concentration, and s = particle size)?

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Dua e Hajat
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6 Kalma
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