Mechanical Operations Quiz 8


Mechanical Operations Quiz 8

1 / 83

Which is a secondary crusher for a hard & tough stone ?

2 / 83

Vacuum is applied in ________ zone, in case of a general type continuous rotary drum vacuum filter?

3 / 83

Which of the following is a fine crusher ?

4 / 83

Which of the following conveyors cannot be recommended for transportation of abrasive materials ?

5 / 83

Which of the following clay mixing devices is vacuum operated for deairation of clay ?

6 / 83

Velocity of a small particle of diameter ?Dp? at a distance ?r? from the rotational axis of a cyclone rotating at an angular speed ??? is given by (the other symbols are as per standard notation) ?

7 / 83

Which of the following is a continuous filter ?

8 / 83

Which of the following comes in the category of primary crusher for hard and tough stone ?

9 / 83

Which of the following is not a part of the Blake jaw crusher ?

10 / 83

Vibrating screens are used for handling large tonnages of materials. The vibrating motion is imparted to the screening surface by means of_______?

11 / 83

Washability curve based on float and sink test enables an assessment to be made of the possibility of cleaning a coal fraction based on the______?

12 / 83

Which of the following mechanical conveyors does not come under the division ?carriers? ?

13 / 83

Which of the following achieves the least reduction ratio for a given feed size ?

14 / 83

With increase in the capacity of screens, the screen effectiveness___________?

15 / 83

Which of the following is not a non-metalliferous mineral ?

16 / 83

Work index is defined as the__________?

17 / 83

Which of the following terminology is not used for size reduction of materials to fine sizes or powders ?

18 / 83

Wheat is ground into flour in a_____?

19 / 83

Use of ?grinding aids? is done in ________ grinding?

20 / 83

Which of the following gives the work required for size reduction of coal to -200 mesh in a ball mill most accurately?

21 / 83

Vibrating screens have capacity in the range of _______ tons/ft2 .mm mesh size?

22 / 83

Which of the following mechanical conveyors does not come under the division ?scrapers? ?

23 / 83

Which of the following gives the crushing energy required to create new surface ?

24 / 83

Xanthates are used in the froth floatation process as a/an _________?

25 / 83

Width and speed of a conveyor belt depends upon the _______ of the material?

26 / 83

Which of the following represents the plot of filtrate volume versus time for constant pressure filtration ?

27 / 83

Which of the following is not an industrial screening equipment ?

28 / 83

Vertical transportation of materials can be done by a/an________?

29 / 83

Which of the following minerals is not subjected to magnetic separation method ?

30 / 83

Which of the following is the most suitable for handling fibrous and dense slurries ?

31 / 83

Which of the following is the most suitable filter for separation of abrasive solids suspended in a corrosive liquid ?

32 / 83

Ultracentrifuges running at speeds upto 100000 rpm is normally used for the_______?

33 / 83

Which of the following grinding mills has the horizontally arranged rods as the grinding elements thereby delivering more uniform granular products with minimum fines ?

34 / 83

Which of the following agitators having a large blade area, rotating at slow speed is used for mixing high viscosity liquids (> 50000 centipoise) ?

35 / 83

Which of the following parts of a jaw crusher is subjected to maximum wear and tear during its operation ?

36 / 83

Two particles are called to be equal settling, if they are having the same ?

37 / 83

Ultra centrifuges are used for the separation of ______ solid particles?

38 / 83

Which of the following is a coarse crusher ?

39 / 83

Which of the following is not used as a surface active agent in a flocculation operation ?

40 / 83

Which is the most suitable conveyor for transportation of sticky material ?

41 / 83

Which of the following is the most suitable for cleaning of fine coal dust (<0.5 mm) ?

42 / 83

With increase in drum speed, in a rotary drum filter, the filtration rate________?

43 / 83

Which of the following must be stored in silos and not in open yard ?

44 / 83

Trommels separate a mixture of particles depending on their_______?

45 / 83

Weber number is significant and is concerned with the__________?

46 / 83

What is the selectivity index, if the grade of tailings & concentrate is the same ?

47 / 83

What is the reduction ratio in a fine crushing operation having following feed and product sizes ?

48 / 83

Which of the following is not a revolving/tumbling mill used for size reduction ?

49 / 83

Which of the following equations is Rittinger?s crushing law? (Where P = power required by the machine, m = feed rate, k = a constant, D? sa & D? sb = volume surface mean diameter of feed & product respectively) ?

50 / 83

Which of the following is not an ultrafine grinder (colloid mill) ?

51 / 83

Which of the following is a pressure filter ?

52 / 83

Tube mill compared to ball mill_________?

53 / 83

Which of the following mineral dressing operations is termed as ?comminution??

54 / 83

Which of the following screens has the maximum capacity ?

55 / 83

Which of the following is not used as filter aid ?

56 / 83

What is the usual value of angle of nip for crushing of ordinary rock in smooth steel crushing rolls?

57 / 83

Which of the following is the hardest material ?

58 / 83

Which of the following is a batch sedimentation equipment ?

59 / 83

Vacuum filter is most suitable for the________?

60 / 83

Use of grinding aids results in the _____?

61 / 83

Use of baffles in agitators help in minimising the _______ tendency?

62 / 83

Which of the following oxides is not present in hematite iron ore ?

63 / 83

Wet sieving is employed, when the product contains _________ materials?

64 / 83

Which one is a filter aid ?

65 / 83

Which of the following is not accomplished by agitation of liquids in agitators ?

66 / 83

Which of the following is not categorised as a ?mechanical operation??

67 / 83

Which of the following is used for primary crushing of very hard lumpy materials ?

68 / 83

What is the critical rotation speed in revolutions per second, for a ball mill of 1.2 m diameter charged with 70 mm dia balls ?

69 / 83

Which of the following crushing laws is most accurately applicable to the fine grinding of materials ?

70 / 83

Which of the following is not used as a filter medium in case of corrosive liquids?

71 / 83

Which of the following size reduction equipments employs mainly attrition for ultrafine grinding ?

72 / 83

With increase in the pressure drop across the cake, the specific cake resistance for the compressible sludge_________?

73 / 83

Work index is the gross energy (kWh/tonne of feed) necessary to reduce a very large feed to such a size that 80% of product particles will pass through a 0.1 mm screen. The value of work index determined for wet grinding should be multiplied with _______ to get the same for dry grinding?

74 / 83

Which of the following is a vacuum filter ?

75 / 83

Wet grinding in a revolving mill _______ as compared to dry grinding ?

76 / 83

Where the density difference of the two liquid phase to be separated is very small (as in milk cream separator), the most suitable separator is a______?

77 / 83

Which of the following is not a cutting machine ?

78 / 83

Which of the following relationships between co-efficient of friction (?) between rock & roll and a (half of the angle of nip) of the particle to be crushed is correct ?

79 / 83

Which of the following can be most effectively used for clarification of lube oil and printing ink ?

80 / 83

Which of the following may prove unsuitable for filtering volatile liquids ?

81 / 83

Which of the following crushers can be considered as a combination of a jaw crusher and a roller crusher ?

82 / 83

Ultrafine grinders operate principally by__________?

83 / 83

Which of the following is the softest material ?

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