Microbiology Quiz 8
1 / 50
Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (SSS syndrome) is due to______________?
2 / 50
Which of the following is not a pox virus ?
3 / 50
Type IV hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by which of the following________________?
4 / 50
Prozone phenomenon is due to______________?
5 / 50
Which of the following organisms does NOT react with gram?s stain ?
6 / 50
Virus infected cell is killed by________________?
7 / 50
One virus particle prevents multiplication of 2nd virus. This phenomena is____________?
8 / 50
Immunoglobulin crossing placenta is_________________?
9 / 50
A protoplast is best characterized as a bacterial cell______________?
10 / 50
The single most important laboratory test for determining the virulence of staphylococci is___________?
11 / 50
What is the transport medium for cholera___________________?
12 / 50
Anaerobic bacteria can be cultured in__________________?
13 / 50
Anaphylaxis refers to the________________?
14 / 50
Smith noguchi?s media is used for_______________?
15 / 50
Which of the following is an acid-fast bacillus_____________?
16 / 50
The only virus, which has double stranded RNA, is______________?
17 / 50
Which of the following represents the serologic evidence of recent Hepatitis B virus infection during window period ?
18 / 50
Which of the following have the capability to produce extra cellular polysaccharides______________?
19 / 50
Rapid evaluation of fungal hyphae/spores can be achieved with_______________?
20 / 50
The predominant immunoglobulin in saliva is_______________?
21 / 50
True about immune response of hepatitis B is__________________?
22 / 50
Techoic acid is present in_____________?
23 / 50
The spirochete which is associated with fusospirochetosis is______________?
24 / 50
The major antiseptic value of soap lies in its ability to_____________?
25 / 50
Reynolds Braude phenomenon is shown by ___________________?
26 / 50
Cytopathic effect is shown by_____________?
27 / 50
Widal test is specific for____________?
28 / 50
By using phase contrast microscope_______________?
29 / 50
The most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonias in the ICU are______________?
30 / 50
Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor_____________?
31 / 50
Complement factor through which common pathway begins___________________?
32 / 50
The overall effect of HIV is to gradually impair the immune system by interference with______________?
33 / 50
Lepromin test is useful for________________?
34 / 50
Dry heat destroys microorganisms by_____________?
35 / 50
Fimbriae are demonstrated by ___________________?
36 / 50
In small intestine, cholera toxin acts by______________?
37 / 50
Bacterial cell does not possess___________________?
38 / 50
Malaria pigment is________________?
39 / 50
Which of the following parasite causes autoinfection_________________?
40 / 50
The chemotactic factor is______________?
41 / 50
Robertsons cooked meat medium is best suited for cultivation of_______________?
42 / 50
Cough plate method is used to identify________________?
43 / 50
Which component of the cell wall is responsible________________?
44 / 50
Which of the following viruses produces both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies_____________?
45 / 50
The Manufacturing unit of surgical needle & sutures are sterilized by ________________?
46 / 50
The specific test for Treponema pallidum is___________?
47 / 50
Sleeping sickness is caused by_______________?
48 / 50
Culture medium used for Bordatella pertussis is_________________?
49 / 50
The term epitope refers to________________?
50 / 50
Which of the following is an enrichment medium________________?
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