Most Wanted G.K Quiz 17


Most Wanted General Knowledge Test 17

1 / 50

The population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa according to 2017 Census is:

2 / 50

The person who in the sixth century BC, crossed the Khyber Pass and took possession of the land around Peshawar was:

3 / 50

The Ratio of Urdu speaking population in Pakistan is:

4 / 50

The term ideology means:

5 / 50

The tomb of Ala-ud-Din Khiji is located in:

6 / 50

The penetration of x-rays through an object depends upon the object?s _____.

7 / 50

The period of Rabi season is:

8 / 50

The only bowler to have taken three career hattricks is _________ of Sri Lank The Oscar Award winning film ?Slumdog Millionaire? is based on the book ?Q and A? written by:

9 / 50

The sky appears blue because the earth?s atmosphere _____?

10 / 50

The theory of Expanding Universe ' was first propounded by?

11 / 50

The part of the body directly affected by Pneumonia is _____

12 / 50

The second most abundant metal found in the earth?s crust is _____.

13 / 50

The Prakrit text Gaudavaho describes the deeds of:

14 / 50

The population of ICT (Islamabad Capital Territory) according to 2017 Census is:

15 / 50

The satellites which revolve in such an orbit, so that they move with earth rotation are called:

16 / 50

The ratio of industrial contribution to GDP growth during 2011-12 is

17 / 50

The provisions of the 21st Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan shall remain in force for a period of:

18 / 50

The old name of Charsadda was:

19 / 50

The UNSC Resolution of _______ stated that ?both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite?.

20 / 50

The versatile scholar Al-Beruni was patroned by:

21 / 50

The population of FATA according to 2017 Census is:

22 / 50

The speed of sound is _____.

23 / 50

The officer responsible for the safe custody of land records during the Gupta period was known as:

24 / 50

The Upanishads are

25 / 50

The range of a 100 meter high T.V. transmitter antenna is about:

26 / 50

The Sassanians and the Turks overthrew the White Huns in 565, but by late in the sixth century, the Turki Shahis, the Hindu rulers of Kapisa in Afghanistan, controlled the area west of the Indus, including:

27 / 50

The primary function of the feathers in birds is to

28 / 50

The two principles monuments of Alaud-din Khilji?s reign - the Jama at Kana Masjid and Alai Darwaza - were constructed at

29 / 50

The property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets is known as:

30 / 50

The summer capital of Kushans was north of Kabul and their winter capital was at:

31 / 50

The population of Sindh according to 2017 Census is:

32 / 50

The rear view mirror of a motor vehicle is _____

33 / 50

The ray with high penetrating power is _____.

34 / 50

The poetry first written by Allama Muhammad Iqbal in Persian and then translated in Urdu on popular demand:

35 / 50

The Treaty of European Union (1992) is also known as:

36 / 50

The Price taker firm is one which:

37 / 50

The South East Asian country Myanmar was previously known by the name:

38 / 50

The ratio of population in Kashmir is now _____________ others approximately due to massive killings and other vile acts like settlement of non-Muslim migrants (Hindus and Sikhs) from Punjab

39 / 50

The track length of Pakistan Railway is:

40 / 50

The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of

41 / 50

The total length of road network in Pakistan is:

42 / 50

The successor of Jalal-ud-Din was:

43 / 50

The population of Punjab according to 2017 Census is:

44 / 50

The snow on the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because _____

45 / 50

The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon because of _____

46 / 50

The Presidency of the United Nations Security Council rotates (in alphabetical order) among its members every:

47 / 50

The procedure of crushing the gallstones and kidney stone by laser is called _____.

48 / 50

The population of Pakistan according to 2017 Census is:

49 / 50

The total natural gas production of Pakistan in Cubic feet is?

50 / 50

The population of Balochistan according to 2017 Census is:

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
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