MS Excel Quiz-2


MS Excel Quiz-2

1 / 50

Press _____ to bring up search box.

2 / 50

The Greater Than sign (>) is an example of _____ operator.

3 / 50

The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a

4 / 50

Repeats the last command or action

5 / 50

Press ______ to displays the format cell dialog box in MS Excel.

6 / 50

Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using

7 / 50

What are commonly be used to performs many different types of calculations?

8 / 50

What is the default row height of MS Excel?

9 / 50

Press ___ to close an open menu or submenu, dialog box, or message window.

10 / 50

Press the ______ key to move the insertion point to the first cell in a row in Excel.

11 / 50

To display the save as dialog box, press

12 / 50

Press _____ to select all rows and columns in the worksheet.

13 / 50

Press _____ to undo in MS excel.

14 / 50

What is the extension of saved file in MS Excel?

15 / 50

To maximize the currently selected window, press

16 / 50

The ____ helps to identify various plotted data series.

17 / 50

Typed text showed in active cell and also in ___

18 / 50

What is entered by the function =today()

19 / 50

The ____ feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data

20 / 50

Press _____ to create a chart.

21 / 50

Today motherboard typically use

22 / 50

What is the default column width of MS Excel?

23 / 50

The process of arrenging the items of a column in some sequence or order is known as :

24 / 50

Press ______ to saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.

25 / 50

The result is a ___ value either TRUE or FALSE.

26 / 50

The worksheet names appear on tabs at the ____ of the workbook window.

27 / 50

This dialog box specifies or modifies the worksheet cell range containing data to be charted.

28 / 50

The spelling tool is placed on ______ toolbar

29 / 50

To select the entire column, press

30 / 50

VisiCalc is a program developed by

31 / 50

Press ______ to displays the Print dialog box in MS Excel.

32 / 50

Press ____ to close the window of MS Excel.

33 / 50

The view that puts a blue line around each page that would be printed is the

34 / 50

The result of a formula in a cell is the

35 / 50

What is a valid version of MS Excel?

36 / 50

To displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected press

37 / 50

To insert nonadjacent columns, hold down ____ while you select nonadjacent columns.

38 / 50

Press ____ to make the text bold in MS Excel.

39 / 50

To minimize the currently selected window, press

40 / 50

The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the

41 / 50

This is not a function category in Excel.

42 / 50

The default file extension of MS Excel is

43 / 50

The default file extension of MS-Excel is

44 / 50

To displays the open dialog box to open or find a file, press

45 / 50

Press ______ to open the Excel formula window.

46 / 50

Special category of Number tab in Format Cells dialog box can be used to apply formats like

47 / 50

The fill series dialog box in Excel has ____ sections.

48 / 50

Use the _____ to join, or concatenate, one or more text strings to produce a single piece of text.

49 / 50

What are the basic rectangular building blocks of a spreadsheet?

50 / 50

What do you use to create a chart?

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