Nuclear Power Engineering Quiz 1


Nuclear Power Engineering Quiz 1

1 / 50

Enrichment of uranium is done to increase the concentration of _______ in the natural uranium?

2 / 50

Commercial power generation from fusion reactor is not yet possible, because_______?

3 / 50

Energy equivalent to one atomic mass unit (amu) is _______ MeV?

4 / 50

Emission of ?-particles during radioactive decay of a substance is from___________?

5 / 50

A thermal nuclear reactor compared to a fast breeder reactor ?

6 / 50

______ have the same mass number, but different nuclear charge ?

7 / 50

Artificially produced radioactive isotopes are used for______?

8 / 50

Fuel for a nuclear reactor (thermal) is_____?

9 / 50

Final product of uranium extraction plant at Jadugoda (Bihar) is_________?

10 / 50

A moderator ______ the neutrons?

11 / 50

Energy produced in the nuclear fission is of the order of ______ MeV?

12 / 50

Candu reactor is a _______ nuclear reactor?

13 / 50

_____ nuclear reactor does not require a heat exchanger to supply steam to power turbine?

14 / 50

A boiling water reactor is the one, in which the_________?

15 / 50

Commercial power generation from fusion reactor is not yet possible, because_____?

16 / 50

Coolant used in a boiling water reactor is_________?

17 / 50

A radioactive substance does not emit_________?

18 / 50

Coolant used in a fast breeder reactor is______?

19 / 50

An electron has a mass that is approximately _____ that of the proton?

20 / 50

Atoms with same number of neutrons, but different number of nucleons are called_____?

21 / 50

Atoms of U-238 and U-235 differ in structure by three_______?

22 / 50

A control rod_________?

23 / 50

Absorption/scattering cross-section of an element is expressed in ?barn?, which is equivalent to_____?

24 / 50

Extraction of uranium from its ore is done by _______ method?

25 / 50

Fuel for a fast breeder reactor is__________?

26 / 50

First experimental observation of nuclear fission was done by ______?

27 / 50

An element having large number of _______ is most easily subjected to nuclear fission?

28 / 50

Extraction of uranium from its ore is done using _______ methods?

29 / 50

A fast breeder reactor employs_____?

30 / 50

Gas cooling as compared to water cooling of nuclear reactors_____?

31 / 50

A heterogeneous reactor is the one, in which the moderator and the_________?

32 / 50

_____ moderator is used in a fast breeder reactor?

33 / 50

A pressurised water reactor (PWR) uses pressurised water as a_____?

34 / 50

A radioactive isotope undergoes decay with respect to time following ______ law?

35 / 50

Critical energy should be ________ the neutron binding energy of the atom in order to initiate a nuclear fission?

36 / 50

A homogeneous reactor is the one, in which the_____?

37 / 50

Fast breeder reactors are most usable in India, because of our largest ______ deposits?

38 / 50

?Critical mass? is the minimum mass of nuclear fissile material required for the_________?

39 / 50

A fast breeder reactor______?

40 / 50

?Critical mass? is the minimum mass of nuclear fissile material required for the___________?

41 / 50

Enriched uranium means that, it contains_____?

42 / 50

75% of a radioactive element decays in 6 hours. Its half life period is _______ hours?

43 / 50

A fertile material is the one, which can be___________?

44 / 50

Graphite is used in nuclear reactor as_______?

45 / 50

Both tritium and deuterium have the same number of________?

46 / 50

An ideal coolant for a nuclear reactor should _________?

47 / 50

A nuclear reactor can?t be used for__________?

48 / 50

Biological shield is provided in a nuclear power reactor to protect the _______ from radiation damage?

49 / 50

Fast breeder reactors do not______?

50 / 50

?Light water? used as a coolant in nuclear reactor is nothing but________?

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