Nuclear Power Engineering Quiz 3


Nuclear Power Engineering Quiz 3

1 / 50

The ratio of atomic radius to its nuclear radius is about_____?

2 / 50

Solar energy results from ________ reaction?

3 / 50

The disintegration rate of a radioactive element ________?

4 / 50

The new nucleus formed after ?-decay of a radioactive element has_____?

5 / 50

The mass number of an element is equal to the number of ______ in the nucleus?

6 / 50

The atomic mass of an element is fractional, because ________?

7 / 50

The number of neutrons accompanying the formation of 54Xe139 and 38Sr94 from the absorption of a slow neutron by 92U235, followed by nuclear fission is ___________?

8 / 50

The radioisotope used to study the thyroid gland is___________?

9 / 50

The half life period of a radioactive element depends on its _________?

10 / 50

The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by_____?

11 / 50

Tarapur (INDIA) atomic power station______?

12 / 50

The atomic number of a radioactive element is not changed, when it emits ______ rays?

13 / 50

The mass number of an element is not changed, when it emits ________ radiations?

14 / 50

The half life period of a radioactive element depends upon the_____?

15 / 50

Pressure of CO2 gas (which is a coolant) in the Calder-Hall nuclear reactor is _______ kgf/cm2?

16 / 50

Radioactive decay is a ______ change?

17 / 50

Radioactive decay of a material involves a ______ order reaction?

18 / 50

Research reactors are normally meant for_______?

19 / 50

The half life period of a radioactive element is 100 days. After 400 days, one gm of the element will be reduced to _______ gm?

20 / 50

The half life period of a radioactive substance is best determined by counting the number of alpha particles emitted per second in a Geiger Muller counter from its known quantity. If the half life period of a radioactive substance is one month, then_____?

21 / 50

The critical mass of a fissionable material can be reduced by___________?

22 / 50

The main ore of uranium is ________?

23 / 50

The largest stable nucleus is _________?

24 / 50

Safety rods provided in nuclear reactors to guard against accidents, in case of earthquake are made of_____?

25 / 50

The molecular weight of heavy water is__________?

26 / 50

The number of neutrons in the nucleus of Uranium-233 (92U233) is __________?

27 / 50

Primary purpose of a _____ nuclear reactor is to supply a high neutron flux of the order of 1013 to 1014neutrons/cm2 second?

28 / 50

The phenomenon of nuclear fission is opposite to that of___________?

29 / 50

The function of moderators in nuclear reactor is to __________?

30 / 50

The electric power generation cost in nuclear power plant is less than that in a coal based thermal power plant, mainly because the_________?

31 / 50

Quantity of fissionable material (i.e. U-235) in natural uranium is ______ percent?

32 / 50

The main ore of thorium is__________?

33 / 50

Sodium melts (at atmospheric pressure) at a temperature of _____ ?C?

34 / 50

The decrease in the atomic number is not observed in case of_________?

35 / 50

The decay product of tritium (a beta emitter) is__________?

36 / 50

The main purpose of control rod in a nuclear reactor is to control the_____?

37 / 50

The amount of a radioactive material (having a half life of 100 years) remaining after 400 years will be _______ of its original weight?

38 / 50

The ratio of mass of a neutron to that of an electron is about 1839. What is the ratio of the mass of a proton to that of an electron?

39 / 50

The emission of an a-particle causes the resultant nucleus to have______?

40 / 50

The amount of a radioisotope remaining undecayed after a time equal to four times its half life, will be ______ percent?

41 / 50

Radioactivity of an isotope is expressed in________?

42 / 50

The 92U238 emits an a-particle. The product is______?

43 / 50

Pressure in a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) is used for ______?

44 / 50

The most commonly used nuclear fuel in boiling water reactor is_____?

45 / 50

Spent fuel from the nuclear thermal reactor contains___________?

46 / 50

The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of _______ present in its atom?

47 / 50

The ratio of neutrons to protons of an element having a mass number and atomic number of 80 and 40 respectively is _____?

48 / 50


49 / 50

The most abundant isotope of natural uranium is _____?

50 / 50

The atomic weight and atomic number of an element are A and Z respectively. What is the number of neutrons in the atom of that element ?

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