Nuclear Power Engineering Quiz 4


Nuclear Power Engineering Quiz 4

1 / 51

Which of the following is a non-fissile material ?

2 / 51

Which of the following accounts for the maximum energy release in the nuclear fission process ?

3 / 51

Which of the following is artificially produced as it does not occur in nature ?

4 / 51

Thorium-232 (a fertile material) on absorption of a neutron gets converted into ___________ , which is a fissile material?

5 / 51

Which one is the radioactive isotope of hydrogen ?

6 / 51

Which of the following is a moderating material used in nuclear reactor ?

7 / 51

Which of the following reactors is operated at high neutron flux and low power level ?

8 / 51

Which is not a fissile nuclear material ?

9 / 51

Unit of radioactivity is___________?

10 / 51

Which of the following may be used to measure the rate of nuclear disintegration ?

11 / 51

Which of the following is not, a fertile material ?

12 / 51

Which of the following types of nuclear reactors is most prone to radioactive hazards ?

13 / 51

The sum of masses of two nuclei produced in nuclear fission compared to the mass of original nucleus is_______?

14 / 51

Thorium metal___________?

15 / 51

What is the average life of a radioactive atom having a ?half life period? of T ?

16 / 51

Which of the following is not an ore of uranium ?

17 / 51

Which of the following nuclear materials is fissile ?

18 / 51

Thermal nuclear reactors using enriched uranium as fuel contains a maximum of _____ percent fissile material i.e. U-235?

19 / 51

Uranium percentage in monazite sand is about_________?

20 / 51

Which of the following ores contains maximum percentage of uranium ?

21 / 51

Thermal shield is used in high powered nuclear reactors to___________?

22 / 51

Unit of radioactivity is__________?

23 / 51

Which of the following nuclear reactors is the most efficient thermodynamically while operating between the same temperature and pressure limits of the reactor ?

24 / 51

Which of the following radiations is the least penetrating ?

25 / 51

Thorium-232 is converted into uranium-233 in a/an _______ nuclear reactor?

26 / 51

Which of the following factors is the most important in the site selection for a nuclear power plant ?

27 / 51

Use of molten metal as a coolant in fast breeder reactor helps in__________?

28 / 51

Which of the following is a fuel for a fusion reactor (thermonuclear reactor) ?

29 / 51

When the difference between mass number and atomic number of atoms of two or more elements are same, the atoms are termed as______?

30 / 51

Which of the following is not used as a moderator in nuclear reactor ?

31 / 51

Which of the following is not used as a nuclear fuel cladding material ?

32 / 51

Thorium can be converted into U-233 in a ______ reactor?

33 / 51

Which of the following is not a naturally occurring nuclear fuel ?

34 / 51

The velocity of thermal (slow) neutrons triggering nuclear fission reaction (having energy equal to 0.025 eV) is about _______ metres/second?

35 / 51

Which is a fertile nuclear fuel ?

36 / 51

Which of the following is the most harmful for the human being ?

37 / 51

Thermal neutrons which are used to cause the fission of U-235 have energy ______ eV?

38 / 51

Which of the following may not need a moderator ?

39 / 51

Which of the following isotopes is not present in natural uranium?

40 / 51

Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) engaged in the mining & concentration of uranium ore is located at________?

41 / 51

U-235 content in enriched uranium, that is normally used in power reactors (e.g., at Tarapur atomic power plant), is about ______ percent?

42 / 51

?-rays emission in radioactive disintegration is always accompanied by the emission of______?

43 / 51

The ratio of volume of an atom to that of its nucleus is___________?

44 / 51

Velocity of the thermal neutron (< 0.025 eV) used for fission of U-235 is around ______ m/sec?

45 / 51

Which one is different for the neutral atoms of the isotopes of an element ?

46 / 51

Uranium is recovered from its ore (pitchblende) by_________?

47 / 51

Which is the most commonly used molten metal for cooling of nuclear reactors ?

48 / 51

The size of an atom is of the order of one ___________?

49 / 51

Which of the following is not a good moderating material ?

50 / 51

Which is used as a coolant in nuclear reactor due to its high capture cross-section ?

51 / 51

Which of the following undergoes fission reaction easily ?

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