One Word Substitutes Quiz 1


One Word Substitutes Quiz 1

1 / 50

Anything written in a letter after it is signed is?

2 / 50

Story of old time gods or heroes is:

3 / 50

Branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of old people is?

4 / 50

A leady who remains unmarried?

5 / 50

A man who rarely speaks the truth:

6 / 50

A person who helps another commit a crime is known as __________?

7 / 50

One who believes in the power of fate:

8 / 50

? Infallible ? refers to the one who is free from all _________?

9 / 50

An odd, a typical or eccentric trait is?

10 / 50

A form of written language for blind people is known as __________?

11 / 50

A Group of birds or a flock flying together in hundreds or even in thousands is called _______ ?

12 / 50

A sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead is known as ________?

13 / 50

A cluster of house in village is?

14 / 50

A disease spreading from one person or organism to another by contact is known as ________?

15 / 50

A part of a word that can be pronounced separately ?

16 / 50

A medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison is known as ___________?

17 / 50

Fear of closed places:

18 / 50

A pioneer of a reform movement:

19 / 50

Forcing someone to make payment for not revealing discreditable secrets is known as ______________?

20 / 50

A group of giraffe is known as:__________?

21 / 50

That which can never be believed:

22 / 50

Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as _______?

23 / 50

A person who collects or has a great love of books is known as ________?

24 / 50

A Game which no one wins called_________?

25 / 50

One who eats everything indiscriminately is known as _________?

26 / 50

A person who talks in his/her sleep is known as ___________?

27 / 50

A disease that is liable to be transmitted to people through the environment is known as ___________?

28 / 50

Choose the most suitable word: An office or post with no work but high pay:

29 / 50

A remedy for all diseases:

30 / 50

A person who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he really has:

31 / 50

A sad song:

32 / 50

A long poem narrating achievements of a hero or legendary figures is known as ___________?

33 / 50

A person who renounces the world and practices self-discipline in order to attain salvation:

34 / 50

One who cannot easily pleased:

35 / 50

Fear of heights is________?

36 / 50

Hard to understand is?

37 / 50

To run away with a lover is?

38 / 50

The practice of pretending to have feelings that one does not really have is?

39 / 50

action of killing King is called____________?

40 / 50

Responsible according to law is?

41 / 50

A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasure of life:

42 / 50

A person fluent in two languages is known as _________?

43 / 50

A dogmatic person is?

44 / 50

A large enclosure for confining birds is known as _________?

45 / 50

Violation of something holy or sacred is?

46 / 50

A person who is unable to pay his debts is called ___________.

47 / 50

Young one of horse is?

48 / 50

Items of business to be considered at a meeting is called __________?

49 / 50

A community of people smaller than a village

50 / 50

The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is known as _________?

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