Oral Pathology and Medicine Quiz 14
1 / 50
Inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion and vesicular eruption of the skin and mucous membrane in area supplied by a sensory nerve that is affected in characteristic of_____________?
2 / 50
Which of the following may be a feature of acromegaly ?
3 / 50
Intra-epithelial bulla are found in:__________?
4 / 50
All of the following malignancies metastasize except____________?
5 / 50
Precocious puberty is most characteristic of which of the following ?
6 / 50
Bismuth intoxication is manifested as______________?
7 / 50
Grinspan syndrome is associated with:___________?
8 / 50
Trigeminal heuralgia (tic doulourex) is characterized by______________?
9 / 50
Steven-Johnson syndrome involves:____________?
10 / 50
Steroids are indicated in all of the following conditions except______________?
11 / 50
The earliest response of pulpitis is:__________?
12 / 50
The tissue of which lesion has been described as resembling a blood sponge with large pores_____________?
13 / 50
An acute apical abscess is usually a result of:__________?
14 / 50
Compound odontoma shows:______________?
15 / 50
Mucocutaneous circumoral pigmentation is found in_____________?
16 / 50
Chediak- Higashi syndrome is inherited as_________________?
17 / 50
A 20yr old patient reports with multiple swelling of the jaws. Clinical examination reveals multiple hard swellings involving the jaws and intra orally several missing teeth are noticed. Panoramic radiograph reveals multiple radio opaque lesions in the maxilla and the mandible with multiple impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth indicative of Gardeners syndrome: The above mentioned condition is______________?
18 / 50
Macrodontia is associated with______________?
19 / 50
Which of the following is the most likely (among them) to turn malignant ?
20 / 50
Hairy tongue is characterized by____________?
21 / 50
Petechial hemorrhage is seen in________________?
22 / 50
Which of the following is related to an enzyme deficiency and involves periodontal destruction around primary teeth______________?
23 / 50
Leukoplakia with the worst prognosis is seen on the_____________?
24 / 50
On clinical examination a 60 years old female had a tumor in the right buccal mucosa. The size of the tumor was about 2 cm in diameter. There was no involvement of regional lymph nodes and also had no distant metastasis The TNM stage of the tumor is____________?
25 / 50
In a patient with reduced salivary flow the carious incidence is_______________?
26 / 50
Which tooth in the permanent dentition is the most susceptible to dental caries ?
27 / 50
A 60 year old has got severe bulla and target lesion Which erythema around halo and genital lesions:_____________?
28 / 50
Eighty percent of all salivary stones occur in___________?
29 / 50
A 40 year old woman report with the complaint of burning sensation in the mouth. Clinical examination reveals lesions consisting of radiating white striations in a retiform arrangement affecting buccal mucosa, tongue, lips & gingiva bilaterally. An incisional biopsy is suggestive of lichen planus. The following are different clinical forms of lichen planus except:
30 / 50
A patient complains of loss of visual acuity, deafness and enlargement of maxilla_______________?
31 / 50
Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented if the mother is injected at parturition, with an antibody called_____________?
32 / 50
The attachment of the Actinomyces species to the tooth surface is facilitated by____________?
33 / 50
Precancerous potential in plummer-vinson?s syndrome may be due to change in the epithelium like_____________?
34 / 50
Most common tumor of parotid gland is______________?
35 / 50
A hair on end appearance of the skull is seen in all of the following except_____________?
36 / 50
The inheritance pattern of dentinogensis imperfecta is______________?
37 / 50
Increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is due to all except____________?
38 / 50
The histopathology of osteopetrosis shows_______________?
39 / 50
Which of the following is not a type of leukoplakia______________?
40 / 50
Normal serum, Ca nd alkaline PO4 are in________________?
41 / 50
The corrct order of microscopic zones of dentinal caries starting from the D.E junction is_______________?
42 / 50
Low grade infection which leads to localized periosteal reaction is:____________?
43 / 50
The most common bone tumor that occurs in children is_____________?
44 / 50
Antischkow cells are present in all of the following conditions except_____________?
45 / 50
The cyst which is found within the bone at the junction of teh globular process, the lateral nasal process & maxillary process is______________?
46 / 50
Aplastic anaemia is common with_____________?
47 / 50
Osteosclerosis of bone occurs due to______________?
48 / 50
Primary lesion in lichen planus is:___________?
49 / 50
Xeroderma pigmentosum is characterized by:___________?
50 / 50
Sialolith in the excretory duct, will result in______________?
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