Oral Pathology and Medicine Quiz 18


Oral Pathology and Medicine Quiz 18

1 / 50

Kaposi?s sarcoma is more commonly seen in patient with __________________?

2 / 50

Which of the following is cariostatic?

3 / 50

All are diseases of skin except:

4 / 50

Sialoliths are stones found in the salivary duct and gland and are primarily composed of_____________?

5 / 50

The most common organism involved in a periapical abscess is:__________?

6 / 50

A 9 year old child?s mother comes to dental clinic with the complaint of oral ulceration, fever and shedding of skin of palms and soles: she is giving history of premature shedding of teeth and increased sweating she is also giving one month history of using any new teething gel available in market. The child is suffering form____________?

7 / 50

Compound odontoma shows on a radiograph as:____________?

8 / 50

Cotton-wool appearance is seen in______________?

9 / 50

The first consideration in the differential diagnosis of a painless palatal perforation would be____________?

10 / 50

A flat, cricumscribed discolouration of skin or mucosa that may vary in size and shape is referred to as:____________?

11 / 50

Port wine stains are seen in______________?

12 / 50

Addison?s disease typically_____________?

13 / 50

A blue nodular mass on the lateral border of the tongue is soft, smooth and blanches upon pressure It is most likely to be_____________?

14 / 50

In Hypodontia, the most commonly affected tooth is_______________?

15 / 50

Multiple fractures are seen in______________?

16 / 50

A six year old child patient has blue-dome shaped swelling in posterior mandibular region, what will be the treatment plan?

17 / 50

Which of the following epithelial changes commonly signify precancerous condition______________?

18 / 50

Gemination of teeth occur due to______________?

19 / 50

In which of the following type of tumour the HPV-6 can be detected ?

20 / 50

Trismus is due to infection by______________?

21 / 50

Starch is considered to be less cariogenic than monosaccharides and disaccharides because it_______________?

22 / 50

A diffuse spreading inflammatory lesion is due to bacterial enzyme

23 / 50

Commonest mode of inheritance of Von Willebrand?s disease is______________?

24 / 50

Nodular growth of alveolus is seen in:___________?

25 / 50

Hard swelling at the angle of mandible with numerous draining sinuses is most likely______________?

26 / 50

Green stains which occur frequently in children are due to_________________?

27 / 50

Treatment for verrucous carcinoma is_______________?

28 / 50

Perception of taste even in absence of stimuli is known as_____________?

29 / 50

Hemangiopericytoma resembles_____________?

30 / 50

One of them is not a true cyst:__________?

31 / 50

Hutchinson?s incisiors are present in________________?

32 / 50

Which of the following statement is FALSE?

33 / 50

Red fluorescent fluid is seen in_____________?

34 / 50

All about herpangina are false except_______________?

35 / 50

Carcinoma of the cheek____________?

36 / 50

Which of the following conditions is characterized by cafe-au-lait spots, non-encapsulation and potential for malignant transformation___________?

37 / 50

All of the following is the extraglandular manifestation of primary sjogren?s syndrome except________________?

38 / 50

Acinic cell carcinomas of the salivary gland arise most often in the_______________?

39 / 50

Which of the following is wrong about keratocyst:

40 / 50

Which of the following are characteristic feature of cherubism______________?

41 / 50

True ankyloglossia occurs as a result of________________?

42 / 50

The earliest radiographic sign of osteomyelitis is___________?

43 / 50

Hairy laukoplakia is associated with all of the following EXCEPT_____________?

44 / 50

Cancerous involvement is seen with_______________?

45 / 50

Initiation of caries by streptococcus mutans is by the production of______________?

46 / 50

Squamous papiloma is induced by ________________?

47 / 50

The bacteria observed as a causative organism in case of Recurrent apthous ulcers is __________________?

48 / 50

The caries of enamel surface leads to accentuation of:__________?

49 / 50

Benign tumor which shows metastasis_____________?

50 / 50

Which of the following statement is true ?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
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