Oral Pathology and Medicine Quiz 5


Oral Pathology and Medicine Quiz 5

1 / 50

Salivary gland stone most commonly involves___________?

2 / 50

White, spongy, folded thick mucosa is seen in____________?

3 / 50

All of the following are precancerous conditions except _________________?

4 / 50

Actinomycosis is a________________?

5 / 50

Which of the following teeth is most likely to be congenitally missing ?

6 / 50

Sulfur granules in pus are seen in______________?

7 / 50

Noma is________________?

8 / 50

Hemosiderin pricticles are seen histologically in case of_____________?

9 / 50

Which of the following drugs is not effective in case of Trigeminal Neuralgia ?

10 / 50

Mucocele most commonly arise as a result of_____________?

11 / 50

Histochemical demonstration of glycogen in the cells can help in the diagnosis of_________________?

12 / 50

Which of the following is least affected in Vit ? C deficiency______________?

13 / 50

Which of the following conditions is least likely to present as an eccentric osteolytic lesion ______________?

14 / 50

Xerostomia, enlargment of salivary and lacrimal glands is seen in______________?

15 / 50

Melanin pigmentation in pregnancy is known as______________?

16 / 50

Gardner syndrome does not include______________?

17 / 50

Candida infection is involved in______________?

18 / 50

All of the following statements about the typical features of a periapical granuloma are true EXCEPT:

19 / 50

Strength of collagen is due to______________?

20 / 50

Which of the following viruses are not implicated in human malignancies______________?

21 / 50

Oral ulceration resembling Apthae are encountered in____________?

22 / 50

A union of the roots of adjacent teeth through the cementum is referred to as_____________?

23 / 50

Estein Pearls are________________?

24 / 50

On stretching the cheek the lesion disappears in___________?

25 / 50

Brachytherapy is_____________?

26 / 50

Frequent bouts of epistaxis are a conspicuous features of______________?

27 / 50

Dentinogensis imperfecta differs from amelogenesis imperfecta in that, the former is_____________?

28 / 50

Coxsackie virus causes______________?

29 / 50

Which of the following is untrue about malignant melanoma ?

30 / 50

Which of the following is a difference between herpangina and primary herpetic stomatitis______________?

31 / 50

Marked reduction in amount of dentin, widening of predentin layer, presence of large area of interglobular dentin and irregular pattern of dentin is seen in______________?

32 / 50

A 25 year old male patient reports with bony expansile swelling of the right body of the mandible & mild paresthesia of the right IDN. OPG shows a multi locular radiolucency without root resorption. What would be your choice of next investigation?

33 / 50

The most common reported oral malignancy in HIV infection is______________?

34 / 50

Oral lesions are rarely seen in_______________?

35 / 50

COC is now called as:___________?

36 / 50

In Cicatrial pemphigoid, which antigen is bound by IgG on the epidermal side of the salt split skin technique:___________?

37 / 50

True generalized microdontia is characterized by______________?

38 / 50

Which of the following blood disease has a racial predilection ?

39 / 50

Darier?s disease is associated with:____________?

40 / 50

joint erosions are not a feature of:____________?

41 / 50

Alkaline phosphatase increases in_____________?

42 / 50

Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital pulp?

43 / 50

Antinuclear antibodies are seen in:___________?

44 / 50

Oral ocular and genital lesions are seen in:__________?

45 / 50

Median rhomboid glossits is associated is associated with_________________?

46 / 50

Satellite lesion with locally invasive property is seen in __________?

47 / 50

A 6 year old patient with extra cusp on maxillary central incisor is associated with all except______________?

48 / 50

Non-septate hyphae with a tendency to branch at 90 degree angle is characteristic of________________?

49 / 50

Steriform pattern of fibrous tissue is seen in _______________?

50 / 50

Kaposi?s sarcoma is a tumour of_____________?

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