Organic Concepts Quiz 1
1 / 50
What is the correct order of ?max for n?> ?* transition for the following three compounds?
2 / 50
Who discovered the mass spectrometer?
3 / 50
Separation of ions in mass spectrometer take place on the basis of which of the following?
4 / 50
What is the correct order of ?max for n ?> ?* transition for the R-CN, R-NO2, and R-N=N-R?
5 / 50
What is the main difference between Hofmann and Curtius rearrangement?
6 / 50
Which of the following statement is false for mass spectroscopy?
7 / 50
Which of the following statement is false for electron movement?
8 / 50
What is the wavelength range for UV spectrum of light?
9 / 50
Which Intermediate is formed in Wolff?s reaction?
10 / 50
A proton Hb is coupled to four equivalent protons Ha. The multiplicity and the relative intensity of lines in the signal Hb is?
11 / 50
Which of the following organic compound with molecular formula C3H C12 exhibits only one signal in the IH NMR spectrum?
12 / 50
Which of the compound show only one signal is present in the PMR spectra?
13 / 50
An organic compound (MF; C8H10O) exhibited the following 1H NMR special data: 62.5 (3H, s), 3.8 (314, s), 6.8 (2H, d, J 8 Hz), 7.2 (2H, d, J 8 Hz) ppm. What will be the compound among the choices?
14 / 50
Which types of isomers are formed in rearrangement reactions?
15 / 50
Which species are formed due to Homolytic bond breakage?
16 / 50
Which of the following is a not method of electron movement?
17 / 50
In which medium Favorskii rearrangement occurs?
18 / 50
Which species of the following is used to bombard with the sample for which mass spectroscopy has been performed?
19 / 50
Which of the following type of reaction shows heterolytic bond cleavage?
20 / 50
The intensity of an absorption band is always proportional to which of the following factor?
21 / 50
At room temperature, what is the number of singlet resonances observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of Me3CC(O)NMe2 (N, N-Dimethylpivalamide)?
22 / 50
Which of the following has three types of hydrogens in the following compounds?
23 / 50
Which intermediate carbocation is more stable in pinacole -pinacolone rearrangement?
24 / 50
What is the correct order of ?max for ? ?> ?* transition for the following three compounds?
25 / 50
With accompanying 1, 2-rearrangement in wolff rearrangement, an ?-diazocarbonyl compound is converted into a ketene by loss of which of the following compound?
26 / 50
A PMR spectrometer operates at 300 MHz. Find the value of magnetic field. Given: gN = 5.585 and BN = 5.05 x 10-27 JT-I.
27 / 50
The ultraviolet spectrum of benzonitrile shows a secondary absorption band at 271 nm. If a solution of benzonitrile in water, with a concentration of 1?10-4 molar solution is examined at 271 nm, what will be the absorbance reading (? = 1000) and what will be the intensity ratio, IO/I, respectively?
28 / 50
Which of the following statement is false for substitution reaction?
29 / 50
Which was the first molecular rearrangement identified as such by early chemists?
30 / 50
The distance between the centers of the peaks of doublet is called as?
31 / 50
What is the correct order of reactivity series of the halogen?
32 / 50
How many peaks are expected in low-resolution NMR spectrum of vinyl chloride and ethyl cyclopropane?
33 / 50
Why are aryl halides less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions as compared to alkyl halides?
34 / 50
A layer of reddish brown precipitate which is formed on the iron knife, when an iron knife is dipped in an aqueous solution of copper sulphate is of which compound or element?
35 / 50
What is the correct order of ?max for n ?> ?* transition?
36 / 50
Which of the following is not true for SN1 reactions?
37 / 50
Which type of catalytic reaction, does Dienone phenol rearrangement reaction belong?
38 / 50
The ultraviolet spectrum of benzonitrile shows a primary absorption band at 224 nm. If a solution of benzonitrile in water, with a concentration of 1x 10-4 molar, is examined at a wavelength of 224 nm, the absorbance is determined to be 1.30. The cell length is 1 cm. What is the molar absorptivity of this absorption band?
39 / 50
Who proposed arrow pushing method of showing progression of electons?
40 / 50
Which type of ionic species are allowed to pass through the slit and reach the collecting plate?
41 / 50
What will be the NMR frequency in MHz of bare 1H in a magnetic field of intensity 1.4092 tesla (given gN = 5.585 and ?N = 5.05 x 10-27 JT-1)?
42 / 50
Electrons movement take place from __________
43 / 50
Which of the following comparison is correct for solvent shift on the n ?>?* transition of acetone?
44 / 50
Which medium is used in benzylic acid rearrangement reaction?
45 / 50
What is the relation between restoring force, f to the displacement q in Hooke?s law?
46 / 50
In which state of matter mass spectroscopy is being performed?
47 / 50
Which of the following main component of mass spectroscopy deal with resolving the ions into their characteristics mass components according to their mass-to-charge ratio?
48 / 50
The benzylic acid rearrangement reaction of a cyclic diketone leads to _______
49 / 50
Which of the following 1H-NMR spectrum of compound with molecular formula C4H9NO2 shows delta 5.30 (broad, IH), 4.10(q, 2H), 2.80 (d, 3H), 1.20 (t, 3H) ppm?
50 / 50
Why the chloroform layer becomes purple, when a colourless solution of potassium iodide is passed through a colourless solution of chloroform?
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