Oxygen Containing Organic Compounds Quiz 4
1 / 50
For C6H5CHO which of the following is incorrect?
2 / 50
Hydrogenation of C6H5CHOH?COOH over Rh?Al2O3 catalyst in methanol gives which of the following?
3 / 50
When benzyl alcohol is oxidised with KMnO4, the product obtained is which of the following compound?
4 / 50
The reaction of HCOOH with conc.H2SO4 gives which of the following compound?
5 / 50
If formaldehyde and KOH are heated, then we get which of the following compound?
6 / 50
Which of the following is a toxic ketone?
7 / 50
Which of the ketones are used in nail paint removers?
8 / 50
Acetic acid is weak acid than sulphuric acid because which of the following reasons?
9 / 50
Which acid is strongest or Which is most acidic?
10 / 50
Which of the following will fail to react with potassium dichromate and dilute sulphuric acid?
11 / 50
What will be the product if aldehyde reacts with NaOH?
12 / 50
Which of the following will not undergo aldol condensation?
13 / 50
Which of the following is the used as solvent in gums, resins, nitrocellulose?
14 / 50
In CH3COOH and HCOOH, HCOOH will be which of the following?
15 / 50
Which of the following is not polyacetal?
16 / 50
Which of the following cannot be used for the characterisation of ketone by spectroscopy?
17 / 50
Which of the following statements regarding chemical properties of acetophenone are wrong? The product(s) obtained via oxymercuration (HgSO4+H2SO4) of 1-butyne would be what?
18 / 50
The vapour of a carboxylic acid HA when passed over MnO2 at 573 K yields propanone. What is the acid HA?
19 / 50
The acid which reduces Fehling solution is which of the following?
20 / 50
Which of the following is the strongest acid?
21 / 50
Which of the following has most acidic hydrogen?
22 / 50
Benzophenone does not react with which of the following compound?
23 / 50
Which of the following reactions give benzophenone?
24 / 50
Acetal on acid hydrolysis generates which of the following?
25 / 50
Dimethoxymethane is dimethyl acetal of which of the following?
26 / 50
Acetaldehyde reacts with C2H5MgCl the final product is which of the following?
27 / 50
Condensation reaction always results in the formation of complex sugar (disaccharide or polysaccharide) and which of the following?
28 / 50
Which one is strongest acid among following options?
29 / 50
During a reaction of Tollens test, the formation of mirror inside the tube is due to which of the following?
30 / 50
Reduction of Aldehydes to hydrocarbon take place in the presence of which of the following?
31 / 50
Which of the following statements is wrong?
32 / 50
By aerial oxidation, which one of the following gives phthalic acid?
33 / 50
Which of the following acids has the smallest dissociation constant?
34 / 50
Which of the following compound will undergo self-aldol condensation in the presence of cold dilute alkali?
35 / 50
Why ketones are volatile in nature?
36 / 50
Which of the following gives benzoic acid on oxidation?
37 / 50
o-xylene when oxidised in presence of V2O5 the product is which carboxylic acid?
38 / 50
Which of the following is also known as model cement?
39 / 50
The conversion of acetophenone to acetanilide is best accomplished by using which reaction?
40 / 50
Which of the following is more volatile?
41 / 50
Acetaldehyde cannot show which of the following test?
42 / 50
What type of reaction takes place upon treatment of a ketone with HCN to form a cyanohydrin?
43 / 50
In which condensation an enol or an enolate ion reacts with a carbonyl compound to form a ?-hydroxyaldehyde or ?-hydroxyketone (an aldol reaction), followed by dehydration to give a conjugated enone happens?
44 / 50
In the anion HCOO? the two carbon-oxygen bonds are found to be of equal length. What is the reason for it?
45 / 50
Why ketones are used as solvent?
46 / 50
Acetone reacts with HCN to form a cyanohydrin. It is an example of which type of reaction?
47 / 50
Formic acid is obtained when which of the given reaction occurs?
48 / 50
Which class of compounds shows H-bonding even more than in alcohols?
49 / 50
Hydrolysis of CH3CH2NO2 with 85% H2SO4 gives which of the following compound?
50 / 50
Condensation reaction is the reverse of which of the following reaction?
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