Pak Study Quiz 11


Pak Study Quiz 11

1 / 50

Pakistan started to celebrate Defense Day from__________?

2 / 50

Which Mughal Emperor had built the ?Bibi ka Maqbara??

3 / 50

Which among the following ports was called Babul Makka (Gate of Makkah) during the Mughal Period ______?

4 / 50

Where did the incident of Jalian Wala Bagh tragedy take place?

5 / 50

The Indus River falls into the __________ ?

6 / 50

Sindh Sagar dooab Are is situated in the desert of________?

7 / 50

When were the Delhi proposals presented?

8 / 50

Anjuman-e-Islamia Punjab was founded for the renaissance of Islam in the year______?

9 / 50

When did Pervez Musharraf resign from the post of President ?

10 / 50

In violation of the Salt Laws, Gandhiji started a movement called______________?

11 / 50

Tethys?s deposits finally turned to be___________?

12 / 50

Narendra Modi is the_________________ prime minister of India (excluding Acting PMs).

13 / 50

Which is the oldest district of Balochistan?

14 / 50

The first railway line in Pakistan was laid between _________________?

15 / 50

Which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution?

16 / 50

in constitution 1973 who were declared none Muslims?

17 / 50

Which is the smallest division of Pakistan?

18 / 50

Who was first Muslim Governor of KPK after Independence of Pakistan?

19 / 50

The largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the subcontinent is ___________?

20 / 50

Karez is the irrigation system of which province of Pakistan?

21 / 50

The Great Bath of the Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in___________?

22 / 50

Rupal North and Rupal South glaciers are situated in__________?

23 / 50

Who is considered the first poet of Pashto Language?

24 / 50

The Ishkoman Valley is in___________?

25 / 50

Balochistan comprises what percentage of Population of Pakistan?

26 / 50

By how many member(s) the Executive Council of the Governor General was enlarged under the Indian Council Act of 1861 ________?

27 / 50

The longest river in Pakistan is ?

28 / 50

Who nominates chief justice of Pakistan?

29 / 50

Original name of Sachal Sarmast (Sufi poet) is___________?

30 / 50

Pakistan Academy for Rural Development is situated in ________ ?

31 / 50

Who was appointed as an eight-member of National Security Council to work as the ?supreme governing body? of Pakistan after his military coup?

32 / 50

Ayoub National park is situated in ?

33 / 50

The Largest Cotton Exchange Building of Pakistan is situated in _________ ?

34 / 50

Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan after Zafarullah Khan Jamali in 2004?

35 / 50

Largest dam of Pakistan is____________?

36 / 50

In which city of Sindh the famous Hathi Dar is located?

37 / 50

How many districts are there in Balochistan?

38 / 50

Pakistan has _________% area under forest?

39 / 50

What does the CPEC stands for ?

40 / 50

In 1928 Agha Khan III advocated independence of each province at the meeting of All parties convention in__________?

41 / 50

Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against_________?

42 / 50

Benazir Bhutto was born on_______________?

43 / 50

Who bestowed ?NRO? for the first time in political history of Pakistan?

44 / 50

The capital city of Gilgit Baltistan is?

45 / 50

In which year Sir Syed Ahmad Khan set up a school at Muradabad?

46 / 50

Pakistan became a member of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in_________?

47 / 50

According to Area the Largest District of Khyber PakhtunKhwa is _____________ ?

48 / 50

Guddu thermal power plant is located in which district of Sindh ?

49 / 50

Founder of Pakistan M.A Jinnah declared unequivocally that ?it is impossible to work a democratic parliamentary government in India? in press interview given to_______________?

50 / 50

The Qisas and Diyat Ordinances were enforced in Pakistan on___________?

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