Pak Study Quiz 9


Pak Study Quiz 9

1 / 50

Who was the First Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan?

2 / 50

Al-Beruni came to India along with____________?

3 / 50

Shah Jehan mosque was built by shah Jehan. It is in which district of sindh?

4 / 50

When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed?

5 / 50

Madr-e-Millat Fatima Jinnah died in the year?

6 / 50

The 2nd summit of OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) held in Pakistan in year________?

7 / 50

Mohenjodaro is most famous town of the Indus civilization, located on the _________ ?

8 / 50

Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called ___________ ?

9 / 50

GHQ Stands for:

10 / 50

Fairy Meadow is located in which district of Gilgit baltistan

11 / 50

Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad Address in?

12 / 50

Sindh was separated from Bombay in__________?

13 / 50

Chishti Order (Silsilah) was founded in 940 AD by_________?

14 / 50

The area between rivers Jhelum and Chenab is called?

15 / 50

The Hindu Mahsahaba was established in__________?

16 / 50

What was the idea of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?

17 / 50

Who made Islamabad the capital of Pakistan?

18 / 50

Which Bank has given First loan in Millions to Pakistan government at the time independence?

19 / 50

When Was Air Commodore Muhammad Mahmood Alam Born?

20 / 50

Which city of Pakistan receives highest mean annual rainfall?

21 / 50

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) is worked under which Ministry?

22 / 50

Second highest civil award of Pakistan is__________?

23 / 50

Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863?

24 / 50

In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel Staff College is located?

25 / 50

Pakistan is a bridge state between

26 / 50

When Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) converted into a public limited company?

27 / 50

Capital of Pakistan is_________?

28 / 50

how many articles were there in 1962 constitution?

29 / 50

When 7.7 Magnitude of Earthquake occurred in Awaran, district of Balochistan?

30 / 50

Khojak pass connects Chaman with___________?

31 / 50

how many articles are there in 1973 constitution?

32 / 50

Gaddani is famous for ___________ ?

33 / 50

When was the first Pakistani Postal Stamp issued?

34 / 50

Who was the first President of Pakistan?

35 / 50

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) resolves the disputes of______________?

36 / 50

In which of the following cities Indian National Congress was found?

37 / 50

The 1962 Constitution of Pakistan was passed during the regime of?

38 / 50

Humayun-nama was written by_____________?

39 / 50

The Punjab Government directed adminsitraion to remove plaques bearing names of Ministers, MNA?s, MPA?s and local leaders on development schemes installed since _________?

40 / 50

When Pakistan NH&MP Motorway Police was established?

41 / 50

?Pakistan: The Heart of Asia? was written by _______ ?

42 / 50

Campbellpur is the old name of__________?

43 / 50

The total area of FATA is ____________?

44 / 50

How many Police ranges are in KPK?

45 / 50

In which province the Uch Gas Field is located___________?

46 / 50

The earliest mosque in Sub-continent is situated in ____________?

47 / 50

Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, called the conference of all the leaders of the Sub-continent and communicated to them his Government?s Plan for the transfer of power on__________?

48 / 50

Highest rainfall area of Pakistan?

49 / 50

Quaid-e-Azam University is located in ________ ?

50 / 50

Who leads the sessions of national assembly of Pakistan under the president ship of the speaker?

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