Pathology Quiz 4


Pathology Quiz 4

1 / 50

Neurologic abnormalities occur with_______________?

2 / 50

Hodgkin?s lymphoma can be distinguished from non ? Hodgkin?s lymphomas by_________________?

3 / 50

Carcinogens induce tumours, they are________________?

4 / 50

Increased iron binding capacity and decreased serum iron is seen in which anemia________________?

5 / 50

Lepra cells are seen in abundance in_______________?

6 / 50

Anaphylotoxins are___________?

7 / 50

Tigered effect of heart is seen in_______________?

8 / 50

Syndrome associated with increased risk of leukemia is__________?

9 / 50

Christmas disease is due to deficiency of________________?

10 / 50

Essential granulation tissue constituents include all except_____________?

11 / 50

Earliest lesion in atherosclerosis is_____________?

12 / 50

Keratin pearls with downward proliferation of epithelial masses is characteristic of_______________?

13 / 50

Increased levels of haemoglobin A2 is characteristic of________________?

14 / 50

Increased proliferation of cells is called_______________?

15 / 50

The vasoactive amine that causes vasodilatation released during inflammation is found in which of the cell______________?

16 / 50

The major factors predisposing to thrombogenesis include all of the following except_____________?

17 / 50

Hemophilia is best treated by _____________?

18 / 50

Which of the following statement is _____________?

19 / 50

Hemophilia A is caused due to deficiency of___________________?

20 / 50

Shock is a circulatory disturbance characterized by________________?

21 / 50

Not sequelae of cellular events in atheroscierotic infarction_____________?

22 / 50

In megaloblastic anaemia the cells are___________________?

23 / 50

The following chemical mediator is a product of arachidonic acid metabolite by cyclo oxygenase pathway____________?

24 / 50

The antidote for heparin is______________?

25 / 50

Primary amyloidosis occurs in _________________?

26 / 50

All of the following are typically associated with loss of 40% of the circulating blood volume except_______________?

27 / 50

Basal cell carcinoma occurs on_________________?

28 / 50

Which is associated with defect in DNA repair___________?

29 / 50

Synthesis of DNA occurs in which phase ____________________?

30 / 50

Hyper segmented neutrophils are seen in_________________?

31 / 50

Which of the following is not a mediator of inflammation___________?

32 / 50

Which of the following statements is true?

33 / 50

Which of the following being is the most frequent site of thrombus ?

34 / 50

Mural thrombi are thrombi in______________?

35 / 50

Usually metastatic lesions are osteolytic, but osteoblastic secondaries occur in cancer of_______________?

36 / 50

White infarcts occurs in one of the following organs_______________?

37 / 50

Malignant tumour of epithelial origin is_______________?

38 / 50

The infarct of the following organs is invariably haemorrhagic_____________?

39 / 50

HOX gene is responsible for which malformation_____________?

40 / 50

Inflammation is characterized by________________?

41 / 50

All of the following statements are true regarding cervicofacial actinomycosis, EXCEPT_____________?

42 / 50

Fibrin degradation product help in detection of_______________?

43 / 50

Chronic inflammation is characterized by__________?

44 / 50

Pap smear is used to detect dysplasia, carcinoma insitu and invasive carcinoma of uterine cervix. This is based on the principle of_______________?

45 / 50

Somatic mutation of PTEN is seen in________________?

46 / 50

Risk factor for atherosclerosis_______________?

47 / 50

Which of the following statement about fibrinous exudate is FALSE ?

48 / 50

The commonest site of thrombosis is_______________?

49 / 50

Metastatic calcifications are seen in______________?

50 / 50

Following is used to stain fungi______________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh