Petroleum Refinery Engineering Quiz 2


Petroleum Refinery Engineering Quiz 2

1 / 50

Higher boiling fractions like atmospheric residue is distilled under vacuum at low temperature because at high temperature, there is a tendency of the predominance of ______?

2 / 50

Gum formation in stored gasoline is mainly due to the ______?

3 / 50

Fuel oil is subjected to visbreaking to reduce its________?

4 / 50

Flash point of an oil is determined by the _______?

5 / 50

Feedstock for polymerisation is___________?

6 / 50

Crude oil produced by Indian oil fields are predominantly ________ in nature?

7 / 50

Choose the correct statement regarding thermal cracking ?

8 / 50

Extractor temperature is maintained at -20?C in Edeleanu process to reduce the _______ of kerosene?

9 / 50

Char value of Kerosene is the amount of charred oil deposition on the wick obtained after burning it in a standard wick lamp at a standard rate for 24 hours. Char value of a good quality kerosene should be less than _________ mg/kg of kerosene?

10 / 50

Flash point of an oil gives an idea of the_____?

11 / 50

Deoiling is the process of removal of oil from wax. It is done by the ________ process?

12 / 50

Good quality kerosene should have___________?

13 / 50

Choose the correct statement?

14 / 50

Extractor temperature is maintained at -20?C in Edeleanu process to reduce the __________ of kerosene?

15 / 50

Concentration of H2SO4 catalyst in alkylation is kept between 90-98%, because H2SO4 having concentration?

16 / 50

Complete removal of ______ from gasoline is done by Unisol process using caustic soda and methyl alcohol?

17 / 50

Crude oil is pumped by a ________ pump?

18 / 50

Diesel index is defined as__________?

19 / 50

Diesel used in naval applications has a minimum cetane number of _____?

20 / 50

Ethyl mercaptan is added to the Doctor negative LPG for facilitating the detection of its leakage (by bad odour) to the extent of about _________ ppm?

21 / 50

Flash point of atmospheric distillation residue is determined by _______ apparatus?

22 / 50

Dearomatization of kerosene (by liquid sulphur dioxide extraction) is done to_________?

23 / 50

During electrical desalting of crude oil, the electrical conductivity of a mixture of crude oil and water (which ranges between 3 to 8% water) _________ with increase in the amount of water?

24 / 50

Cracking is_____?

25 / 50

Gasoline extracted from natural gas (by compression and cooling) is called the ___________ gasoline?

26 / 50

Electrical desalting of crude oil removes the ________ impurities?

27 / 50

H/C ratio (by weight) for the same number of carbon atoms is the highest in case of______?

28 / 50

Crude topping column operates at _________ pressure?

29 / 50

Flash point of motor gasoline may be around _______ ?C?

30 / 50

Crude oils containing more than _____ kg of total salts (expressed in terms of NaCl) per thousand barrel is called a ?salty crude? ?

31 / 50

Clay treatment is used to remove _____ ?

32 / 50

Clay treatment of petroleum products ___________?

33 / 50

Feed for reforming is generally_____?

34 / 50

High aniline point of diesel indicates that, it _______?

35 / 50

CnH2n is the general formula for________?

36 / 50

Crude petroleum oil is a ________ fuel?

37 / 50

Equal volumes of aniline and diesel oil when mixed at room temperature (during summer) was found to be completely miscible. It means that the aniline point of the diesel is ________ the room temperature?

38 / 50

High aniline point of a petrofuel (say diesel) indicates that _________?

39 / 50

Gasoline yield in catalytic reforming of naphtha may be about __________ percent by weight?

40 / 50

Diesel index (an alternative index for expressing the quality of diesel) is________?

41 / 50

Furfural solvent extraction is used for upgrading (by dissolving aromatics) ?

42 / 50

For gasoline, the flash point (<50?C) is determined by the________?

43 / 50

Crude oil is transported inland from oil field to refineries, mainly by the _______?

44 / 50

DLS stands For_______?

45 / 50

Choose the correct statement ?

46 / 50

Deoiling of wax is done by its __________?

47 / 50

Ethyl mercaptan is a/an _____ compound?

48 / 50

Crude oil is subjected to vacuum distillation in the last stage, because__________?

49 / 50

Glycol added to petrol acts as a/an _________ agent ?

50 / 50

Flash point of diesel/kerosene (>50?C) is determined by the________?

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