Petroleum Refinery Engineering Quiz 5
1 / 50
The pressure (kg/cm2) and temperature (?C) maintained in electrical desalters for crude oil are respectively___________?
2 / 50
Straight run petrol as compared to methyl/ethyl alcohol has__________?
3 / 50
Solvent used in the Udex (glycol) extraction process for removal of light aromatics from cracked naphtha is__________?
4 / 50
The main aim of cracking is to produce ______?
5 / 50
The most important property for a jet fuel is its_________?
6 / 50
Tanks used for the storage of petroleum products (which are inflammable) should be painted with a _______ paint?
7 / 50
Solution used in Doctor?s treatment for the removal of mercaptans is__________?
8 / 50
Sour crude means the _________ bearing crude?
9 / 50
The main use of heavy gas oil produced by the vacuum distillation unit is as a_______?
10 / 50
The reservoir rock containing petroleum has__________?
11 / 50
Solvent used for dewaxing of petroleum products are______?
12 / 50
The best method of determining sulphur in crude oil is by the ________ method?
13 / 50
Specific gravity of a petroleum product gives an indication of its __________?
14 / 50
The most commonly used feed stock for the reforming reactor is _____?
15 / 50
The most widely used crude topping column in refineries is the _______ column?
16 / 50
Salt content (measured as sodium chloride) in electrically desalted crude oil comes down to a level of about ___________ ptb (pounds per thousand barrel) ?
17 / 50
Road grade bitumen is produced from vacuum residue by its ______?
18 / 50
The main reaction in reforming is the _______?
19 / 50
The condensate obtained on compression of wet natural gas is termed as___________?
20 / 50
The solvent used in Barisol dewaxing process is_______?
21 / 50
The catalytic cracking of heavier petroleum fraction is done to produce mainly______?
22 / 50
The proper arrangement of the petroleum fractions in order of their boiling points is ___________ ?
23 / 50
The average boiling point of aviation turbine fuel is closest to that of___________?
24 / 50
Solvent used in duo-sol extraction for lube oil upgradation is a mixture of_______?
25 / 50
RIH stands for ________?
26 / 50
Testing of the knocking characteristics of petrofuels is done in a __________ engine ?
27 / 50
Solvent deoiling process is used for separating oil and soft wax from hard wax. Methyl isobutyl ketone and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) are two commonly used deoiling solvents. Use of former as the deoiling solvent has the advantages of the______?
28 / 50
The characterisation factor of a crude oil is calculated as 12.5. It means that; it is_________?
29 / 50
Sulphur content in lighter and heavier petroleum products is generally determined respectively by ________?
30 / 50
The coking process normally mostly used in Indian oil refineries is the ______ coking process ?
31 / 50
The octane number of aviation gasoline may be ___________?
32 / 50
Sweetening of petroleum product means the removal of ________?
33 / 50
The main purpose of recycling the byproduct hydrogen gas in the reformer reactor is to ______?
34 / 50
The general formula of naphthenes is_____?
35 / 50
The colour of gasoline is an indication of its __________?
36 / 50
Solvent used in Edeleanu process is___________?
37 / 50
Straight run naphtha is converted into high octane number petrol (gasoline) by catalytic______?
38 / 50
Smoke point of a test sample of kerosene is found to be 15 mm. On removal of _________ from it, the smoke point rises to 25 mm?
39 / 50
Tetra-ethyl lead is added in gasoline to ________?
40 / 50
Tetraethyl lead is added to the petrol to increase its octane number, because its octane number is _________?
41 / 50
Smoke point of kerosene is the________?
42 / 50
The most suitable solvent for deasphalting vacuum residue is_______?
43 / 50
Smoke point of kerosene expresses its___________?
44 / 50
Solvent used in the deasphalting process is ________?
45 / 50
The conductivity of crude oil-water mixture depends on the___________?
46 / 50
The order of preference for feedstock to a catalytic reformer is __________ ?
47 / 50
The characterisation factor of crude petroleum oil is around___________?
48 / 50
Smoke point of a good burning kerosene may be around ________ mm?
49 / 50
Stabilisation of gasoline (petrol) means _____?
50 / 50
Smoke volatility index is equal to smoke point plus________?
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