Pharmacology Quiz 8
1 / 50
All of the following drugs cause dryness of mouth except_______________?
2 / 50
Prolonged use of aspirin causes_______________?
3 / 50
The anticogulant of choice during pregnancy is______________?
4 / 50
Oral contraceptive failure occurs in a patient on Rifampicin because of____________?
5 / 50
Drugs used in cysticercosis_______________?
6 / 50
Problems associated with nitrous oxide anaesthesia is_____________?
7 / 50
Which of the following anti-epileptic agents causes the reversible side-effect of gingival hyperplasia ?
8 / 50
Which among the following is Not used for surface anesthesia ?
9 / 50
In the treatment of intestinal of intestinal and extraintestinal amoebiasis which of the following drug is useful____________?
10 / 50
All of the following statements about pain are correct except_____________?
11 / 50
The most serious side effect of drug chloramp henicol is______________?
12 / 50
Cloidogrel is an______________?
13 / 50
Drug binds to activate the receptor is same fashion, which directly or indirectly brings effect, is_____________?
14 / 50
All of the following are vasodilators except______________?
15 / 50
Which antisialagogue is contraindicated in glaucoma_____________?
16 / 50
Cephalosporin active against pseudomonas aeruginosa______________?
17 / 50
Toxic optic neuropathy can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT____________?
18 / 50
NSAID which undergoes enterohepatic circulation______________?
19 / 50
I.V anesthesia is_________________?
20 / 50
Which drug is not acetylated ?
21 / 50
22 / 50
Mechanism of action of beta-lactam antibiotics would be______________?
23 / 50
A diabetic patient developed cellulitis due to Staphylococcus aureus, Which was found to be Methicillin resistant on the antibiotic sensitivity testing. All the following antibiotics will be appropriate except_____________?
24 / 50
Which of the following drug is used to counter act the gastric irritation produced by administration of NSAID_______________?
25 / 50
Nitrates are not used in______________?
26 / 50
Aspirin acts on which part of brain ?
27 / 50
Heroin, an addict drug contains______________?
28 / 50
The beneficial effect of drug neostigmine in the treatment of Myasthenia gravis is due to the action____________?
29 / 50
Pregnant patient can be safely given______________?
30 / 50
Which of the following drug induces parkinsonism ?
31 / 50
Toxic optic neuropathy can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT_______________?
32 / 50
All of the following are endogenous corticosteriods released by all adrenal cortex EXCEPT______________?
33 / 50
Secretory immunoglobulin is_____________?
34 / 50
All of the following penetrate the CSF except________________?
35 / 50
Rebound phenomenon is most commonly seen with use of_________________?
36 / 50
In which of the following condition thalidomide may be used_______________?
37 / 50
Which of the following drugs can be given safely to a patient with renal disease ?
38 / 50
Which of the following is a vosoconstrictor______________?
39 / 50
A child has phocomelia, this impliments his mother had taken which of the following medication during pregnancy______________?
40 / 50
Which of the following is a 4th generation cephalosporin______________?
41 / 50
The maximum antiseptic action is seen with which of the following concedntrations of ethanol_____________?
42 / 50
Which is a prodrug ?
43 / 50
Which of the following drugs undergoes ?Hoffmann elimination? ?
44 / 50
Intramuscular route is precluded during the medication of________________?
45 / 50
Atypical Antipsychotic are all except______________?
46 / 50
True about aminoglycoside is all except______________?
47 / 50
Bacitracin is a_______________?
48 / 50
True about use of midazolam over diazepam is sedation in all except ?
49 / 50
About articaine, all are true except_____________?
50 / 50
A child with permanently stained teeth reports, He was most probably administered_____________?
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